Page 22 of Take It on Faith

Did you talk to Michael about the gig?

I grimaced. Yeah, but what’s the point?

A pause. Did you just ask what the point is? Really?

Oh no,I thought right before the phone rang. Sighing, I picked up the call and waited.

“WHAT’S THE POINT?” he thundered. “Ace, what happened? What did Michael say to you? ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane, Jane stay home’?”

“Knock it off, Andrew.” I sighed again, the will to fight exiting my body on my exhalation. “It was my decision, not his. It would put too much of a strain on our marriage, way too early.”

“Or maybe it’ll make it more durable. You don’t know which way it could go.”

“It’s not worth the risk. No career is worth losing the man I love.”

“So you’re just gonna do the safe thing, then? Or the supposedly safe thing? What if this is your destiny, Ace? You’re just gonna give up the adventure of a lifetime for a sure-to-be-boring thing?”

“That thing you’re referring to is my future marriage, Andrew. And anyway, my life is good as it is. Why mess up a good thing?” I shook my head. “Besides, this is how things are supposed to work out. Get married, settle down, have kids. Right?”

“Are you asking me or telling me? Because if you’re asking me, I feel like you know what I’m gonna say.”

“Maybe it was just a beautiful dream, and now it’s time for me to wake up.”

“Or maybe this safe choice is your nightmare, and you’re supposed to wake up to your dreams.”

Right,I thought. Well, it’s too late for that.