“Yes, Drake.”
I calmed my heart. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly when I got closer between his legs. His ankles were still in his pants. I could do it. Cillian had taught me how to defend myself. I could do it.
With my eyes laser focused, I grabbed the fork and slammed it down on the scar that was on his left thigh. The fork dug into his skin and he yelped in surprise and pain. I pulled it away and stabbed him with it again, glaring at him.
“You like that, you piece of shit!” I cried out and pulled away when he tried to grab my hair. I was still wearing the damn heels when I crawled away from him.
“I trusted you!” he groaned, his thigh bleeding as he limped towards me. “You are a bitch and a whore! I’ll treat you like one!”
I tried to stand up, but he slapped me, making me yelp when pain rang on my cheek through my body.
“Stop!” I screamed when he pushed me down, pinning my hands over my head and tugging at my dress. “Get off me!”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m going to breed you with my babies, you fucking whore!” His hands were harsh. Tears spilled out of my eyes and I tried to get ahold of something, anything.
“Stop!” I begged, pushing him, but he was too strong—Cillian was also strong, but he sprawled on the mat when I had tried it.
Using my hands, I jabbed his throat and when his grip loosened, I pushed him off of me with all my strength and stood up. Scrambling away, I picked up the bloody fork in my shaking hands.
“You’re dead to me, little Emma,” he spit out, rubbing his throat when he stood up. “I’m going to fuck you and kill you.”
“I dare you to touch me again, you asshole!” I shouted at him, tears sliding down my face, when I looked over his shoulder and started sobbing.
Drake yelled, ready to pounce on me when he jumped in. I slumped on the floor, covering myself.
TW: A bit of violence.
I tackled him down before he could touch my Emma again. He groaned when I held the back of his hair and slammed him down on the floor. Again, and again and again until I saw a pool of blood.
My eyes were seeing burning red. Emma was crying and her screams were echoing in my head.
I held him upon his feet before throwing him on the floor. I covered Emma with my suit and said, “Cover your ears, Doll. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise, okay?”
She nodded, her bloody hand clutching my jacket and covering her ear. I stood up, glaring at the piece of shit who was trying to crawl away from me.
“Stay the fuck away from us, you ugly fuck! She’s my bitch and my whore!” he said, his eyes swollen and beaten up when I loomed over him.
“Say it again,” I said calmly. “I dare you.”
He opened his mouth, and I kicked him, shoving my polished shoe—the one Emma bought for me—into his mouth. His eyes widened when I pushed hard until I heard a satisfying crack. I removed my shoe from his mouth and kneeled on the ground. Holding the collar of his bloody shirt, I punched him.
I kept punching him until my knuckles were as red as his face. I only stopped when I heard a small sigh. I turned to find Emma standing, her eyes on the barely breathing shit that was lying beneath me.
“Emma,” I said softly and stood up, her eyes pinned on the other man. “Look at me, Doll.”
She didn’t avert her eyes until I blocked her view and cupped her face, blood smearing on her cheeks. “You’re safe now. I got you. I’m here,” I said, pulling her face against my chest and kissed her hair. I was reassuring both of us that she was safe and in my arms. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe.”
Emma didn’t hug me back, but I knew she needed to hold on to something, so I stayed still. There was a tug on my hip and I quickly turned around to find the bastard holding my gun.
“Drop it and I won’t kill you,” I warned him, standing in front of Emma, whose hands tightened over my shirt.