Glad that my washroom was finally clear, I splashed cold water on my face. You look adorable with drool, Doll.
Eat my ass! Groaning at myself, I washed my face with the electronic scrubber, wondering why the hell Damon agreed to him being my bodyguard all of a sudden?
It didn’t matter that Cillian was Caleb’s dad. I didn’t care that he was some hotshot, the strongest and smartest guard or security out there. He was having fun teasing me and telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. Where I should and shouldn’t go. So much so that he put my driver under his command. Who does that?
Assholes. That’s who.
With fresh, moisturized and drool-free face, I strategized my plan. Picking up my phone, I called my friend who knew ins and outs of all the parties and… how to sneak out of a mansion without getting caught.
It shouldn’t be that hard.
Turns out, I can be wrong sometimes.
“Can you just catch me?” I asked, groaning and struggling to keep myself upright on the wall as I looked over my shoulder at Summer’s dark curls.
“Babe, I would if I could. But I’m built like a stick,” she said, her hands on her hips. My Louboutin beside her. “Nice underwear, by the way. Really brings out your… cheeks.”
“Thanks,” I said dryly, my upper body hurting when I slowly lowered myself from the wall. I didn’t care that I was flashing my friend. What I cared more about was not to ruin my expensive skirt.
It was easier than I had imagined sneaking out of the front door, but harder to get past the two guards at the front gate; so I had to go to my backyard, over to the pool house while sneaking like a vigilante, and ask Summer to park her car over the tall wall, which I had climbed just because there was a ladder for me to use.
I yipped when my butt landed on the ground, my legs splayed and hands dirty. It didn’t hurt too badly and gave me more adrenaline boost than I had expected.
“So how do you feel sneaking out of your house at ten?” Summer asked, giving me a hand.
My answering grin must be glorious since we giggled. I could easily imagine the look on Cillian’s face and it made me really, really happy.
I was grinning from ear to ear, rubbing off the dust from my skirt and blouse, fixing my hair. “It’s very thrilling. I wish I had done that sooner!”
We both sat in her car, strapping the seat belts on. “Between you and me, if you ever sneak out again, park your car blocks away and start pushing it before you start it so that no one knows you are sneaking out.”
I clicked my tongue. “That seems clever. Then why did you start the car right here?” I asked, as she drove past the driveway to my house and towards the road, with overgrown trees on the side, that leads to the town.
“Because I thought you were kidding about having a curfew,” Summer said, tapping her fingers on the wheel, giving me a small smile. “First of all, you’re Emma Moore and second of all, you kind of deserve a break after yesterday…”
Her soft voice trailed off into the sound of wind and night. I looked out of the window, my mind going to the day before. She was right. I hadn’t really coped with anything that had been happening since my birthday.
A warm hand closed over mine. I squeezed her hand back and thanked her for being there with me. Even though my mom was dead, I had dumped my boyfriend, and I had a stalker… at least my friends were with me.
“Is Mia going to join us?” I asked, knowing well that her older boyfriend was a stubborn piece of shit.
“What do you think?”
“If James can pick her up or have a tattoo of his name on her forehead, he might let her off his leash,” I said, ending my sentence in a singsong voice.
Summer giggled. “He’s not that bad.”
“Excuse me? Not that bad?” I asked. “Do you remember when he threw her over his shoulder like a freaking cave man at the club?”
“Ahh, yes, I remember. That was kind of hot, huh?”