I took a step back from the coffin, my feet stumbling when the heel I wore came off. Mia stood up, but I bent down and fixed it back on my feet. I could feel people take a sharp intake of breath as I kept my chin high and walked out of the hall without saying anything at my mother’s funeral.
I needed to distract myself. I needed to forget about cold green eyes, and get lost. I needed, I needed…. I needed comfort.
And I could only think of one person who could give that to me.
I checked my phone and frowned when I saw no message from him. He could be waiting for me in my room. I walked upstairs, my hands clammy and shoulders slumped, ready to bury myself in his chest—
My steps faltered when I heard the gasps from the inside of my bedroom. Staring hard at the white double doors, I listened to the familiar male grunt echoed by more gasps. I took a wavering breath and straightened my shoulders, marching towards my room and pushing the doors open.
My lips fell apart when I saw my boyfriend, Caleb Chang, on my king-sized bed with Aaron. Both of their cheeks were flushed and lips red, swollen as they pulled away from each other and stared back at me with wide eyes.
“What the fuck?”
“What the fuck?”
I didn’t know if I uttered those words, or if Caleb or Aaron did. I blinked. Confused, hurt, sad, and raw. I felt like I was split open from my heart. Well, at least Caleb had succeeded in giving me what I needed.
He had officially distracted me from my mother’s funeral.
I turned, ready to leave—
“Em, wait!”
I glared at him, not caring that he was doing his zip up. “If either of you ruined my Egyptian cotton sheets, I’ll sue you. Clean up your own mess and get out.”
I left the room and locked myself in the nearest washroom.
My knuckles turned white at how hard I was clutching the sink. I ignored the pleading voice of Caleb, squeezing my eyes shut and lowering on the floor, covering my face.
This wasn’t how my mom’s funeral was supposed to go.
This wasn’t perfect.
I should’ve been able to give a speech about how sweet, nice and caring she was, lying with my tears and fake smile. Nod prettily and accept the handkerchief from creepy old directors and wipe my tears, hug my friends and lock myself in my room with Caleb, get drunk and fall asleep, cuddling him until every emotion for my mother washed away.
Bile rose in my throat, images of Caleb with someone else other than me flashing in my head. I scrambled towards the toilet and threw up my morning smoothie into the bowl. Tears burned my eyes as I cleaned myself up, making sure my dress wasn’t ruined, and retouched my makeup after brushing my teeth.
I needed to be alone right now. I needed to stay alone.
Just like my mother.
My head was throbbing. It felt like someone was hammering away at the back of my skull, my lids feeling heavy as I tried to open them. My entire body hurt and limbs felt sore. Maybe I was run over by a truck. At least three times.
I heard sounds and my name being called.
“Emma! I think she’s waking up.”
“We can all see that, Sherlock.”