I walked past him, bumping into his shoulder and keeping my chin high even though it wobbled. I took my backpack and looked at Zayed. “You.”
He raised his brow. “Me?”
“Drop me home.”
Zayed grinned, a dimple poking his cheek. “What will I get, kitten?”
I glared at him. “Getting to spend time with my charming personality. And maybe sushi if you are good.”
“Yes, ma’am. Lets go!” I was surprised when he took my backpack and before we walked out of Cillian’s house, he yelled back, “Babe, I’m dropping the kid at home. Don’t wait up for me!”
Despite everything that had happened in the kitchen a few minutes ago, I had to stifle my grin when Elena yelled back, ‘Go away!’ And his grin widened.
“She loves me.”
I nodded when he opened the passenger door for me. “She does.”
It was yet another surprise that Zayed stayed quiet while driving. Their car was expensive without a logo and just a golden crest of Azmia country in the front.
“Do you think I should tell my friends? About… everything?” I asked, not knowing if I was really stupid or just brainless to ask his advice. The guy I met a few hours ago.
He glanced at me and let out a small laugh. “You are asking the wrong person, kitten.”
“Thought so.” I looked out of the window.
“But if you want my opinion, then… go ahead, tell them. They will be hurt if you don’t tell them and something happens to you. But they will be disappointed that you were going through so much and didn’t seek their support.”
I never thought about that. How it would feel if Mia or Summer were in my shoes and never told me they were getting stalked? I’d be furious and feel guilty that my best friends were going through it all alone.
“Wow,” I said, shaking my head at him. “You’re smart.”
“I’m very smart, kitten. I pretend to be a fool, so no one takes me seriously,” he winked at me and I believed him. He was a lot more than what he showed to the world. His charming, foolish, golden-retriever type energy was just a front so people can let loose around him.
“So… how did you end up with Elena? She seems very capable, clever and independent.”
“I agree. She doesn’t need anyone, least of all a man, to support her,” he talked about her with an awe in his voice. He was clearly whipped by that woman. “I still don’t know why she married me. She was betrothed to someone else.”
“Betrothed? It’s twenty-first century.” I made a face, and he laughed.
“Yes, she’s a royal princess.”
“Then? What did you do? Don’t tell me you killed him.”
“No, I did worse.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “I seduced him.”
I gaped, “No way!”
“Yes way,” he nodded, proud of himself. “I would have done much more—Samir is pretty handsome—but Elena cockblocked us.”
“Oh, my…” I cupped my mouth. The tea was bubbling hot. And spicy.
“And yet she loves me even after I betrayed her so many times.”