Page 36 of Bossy Bodyguard

I understood the message well. ‘Back off, she’s taken.’

“James, I told you I was fine,” the girl whispered. She turned towards me and glanced at her friend strapped in my car seat. “Can I come with you? I think she’d feel better if she saw us when she wakes up.”

“It’s a school night,” James, the overprotective boyfriend who seemed much older than the girl, said to her. “Don’t you all have a swim meet tomorrow?”

“That’s why we are partying. Or were.” Summer said, “Let me ask her brother real quick if you are her bodyguard.”

I closed the door and called Caleb. “I found her and I’m taking her home. Don’t stay out too late.”

“But Dad—” his voice blurred out with the loud music. I knew he’d text me later, so I pocketed it and took a swift glance around the party goers. So many possibilities of dangers and suspects.

“Do you remember who gave her a drink in the first place?”

“Maybe Summer knows? But I found her clutching a Jack Daniel’s to her dear life. I really hope she can make it to school tomorrow.”

Her boyfriend ran a soothing hand over her back and narrowed his eyes at me. “I’m James Fox. I didn’t get your name?”

I crossed my arms, keeping my back straight. Even though he was tall and lean, I had both muscles and height on him, even a few inches. “Because I didn’t. I’m her bodyguard. Cillian Chang.”

“Wait—Chang? You’re Caleb’s brother?” The girl in yellow looked at me with wide eyes. “Damn, Caleb never told me—”

“I’m his father,” I bit out, checking my watch. “All clear?”

Both girls were gaping at me. “Y-yeah, sure. All clear. Mister Chang. I… huh? Wow.”

I nodded, walking towards the driver’s side and opening the door.

“Wait, are you sure you will be with her when she wakes up? She is a sad drunk.”

I chuckled, and there was nothing humorous about it. “Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll be with her when she wakes up with a hangover. She’ll also be at school. I’ll take care of it.”

I’ll take care of her.

But I’ll do more than just take care of her.


Waking up with a throbbing headache the third time in a row really sucked. But I was so used to it by now that I rolled into my bed, opening the drawer and finding—

A small screech of a chair made me shriek. “What? What the fuck?” I scrambled to sit, my head throbbing more than before. “Who’s there?”

“Your lovely bodyguard.” A gruff sound came from somewhere in the room and I had to squint my eyes at the sudden light and blinked at him through my foggy vision.

“Cillian?” I scratched my head, fighting back a yawn as my stiff fingers ran over my arms… that were bare? I didn’t remember wearing a sleeveless top to the party.

Party? Oh no.

“What did I do?” I asked, straightening up and instantly hating the decision of sitting up when I caught the dark look in his eyes.

I held my breath when he walked over to my nightstand and handed me a glass of water and an aspirin. He was still wearing the clothes from before, a dark shirt with top button open, revealing a hint of tan skin underneath and snaking black tattoos, and pants.

“You snuck out of the house when I told you not to. You were utterly wasted, crying like a fucking baby, holding a bottle of Jack’s, and started stripping and dancing half-naked in a pool full of horny teenagers.” He spoke as soon as I took the medicine, grateful to have something inside my body to relieve the hangover.

Somehow, he seemed a lot closer than before and… angrier.

“My memory is a bit funky, but you forgot that I almost jumped from the roof… which I’m glad I didn’t.”

Maybe it was a terrible idea to add oil to the fire.