Page 90 of Venom & Vengeance

“That works for me. Are you already back at the clubhouse?”

“No. We haven’t left yet,” I said. “We’re about to hop on Viper’s bike.”

Willa laughed. “Well, I appreciate the call. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Sounds good.” I hung up with Willa and stuck my phone back into my purse.

Viper handed me the helmet. He sighed and muttered something under his breath.

“What was that?” I demanded.

“Nothing. Let’s get home.”

Home. Funny word.

“You really view the clubhouse as home?” I asked, clipping the strap around my chin.

“It’s as good as any, I guess.”

I looked back at Willa and Duke’s home. A house was just a house, but their home had a feeling.

I’d never lived in a place that felt like that. Warm, inviting.


Viper cranked the engine, pulling me back to the present. I slid on behind him, wrapped my arms around his middle, and we drove off.

My head was full of thoughts and questions. About Viper’s past. About why I wanted to know. And about why I was completely determined not to ask him about it.

Getting in deeper with Viper, exploring our past wounds, our canyon of traumas, was a sure-fire way to bond. And I didn’t want to bond. Not any more than I already had.

Tonight had probably been a mistake to begin with. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed dinner and the company, and the energy of teenagers, and a family that was close. But it was for that reason that it shouldn’t be repeated.

Viper and I had a deal. And complicating a sexual relationship with food and dinners with his club brothers and their Old Ladies was something I should avoid in the future.

This would end. Our time together was finite. And that realization shot a pang of remorse through me.

We arrived back at the clubhouse. Smoke and Bones were sitting in the living room, having a couple of beers with two women I didn’t recognize. I briefly wondered if they were from the party the other night, but I didn’t really care.

I waved at them and then headed for the stairs. Viper was hot on my trail. When I made a move to go to my own room, he reached for my hand and dragged me to his.

I sighed but didn’t bother fighting.

He opened the door to his room and flipped on the light. I walked inside and the moment I did, he shut the door and pushed me against it. Viper caged me in with his arms and bent his head down.

I looked up at him. His brown eyes swirled with emotion.

“You want to talk about it? Or you want to fuck it out?”

I let out a breath. “Fuck.”

“Good answer.”

He removed his hands from the door and shoved away from it. Viper grasped the hem of my tank and pulled it over my head. His thumbs grazed my nipples, making them pucker. He cupped my breasts, kneading them in his large hands.

I placed a palm on his muscled abdomen, stroking him through his shirt before pushing him away. I bent over and unlaced my boots and kicked them off.

His fingers went to the button of my jeans.