Page 88 of Venom & Vengeance

“Right?” Willa grinned. “How’s the job at Shelly’s? Do you like it?”

“I’ve only worked one shift so far, but yeah. I think I like it. Mia’s a good boss.”

“The late hours aren’t killing you?” Duke asked.

I shrugged. “A little, I guess. My sleep’s been erratic, to say the least.”

Viper shifted in his seat.

Acid’s cell rang and he reached into his leather cut. “Yeah? Sure, no problem. I’ll take care of it.” He hung up and stood. “Thanks for dinner. I gotta run.” Acid slapped Savage on the back.

“Well, like hell I’m gonna sit here and be a fifth wheel,” Savage said. “I’m out too.”

The two of them left, and it was just the four of us.

The couples.

“Sutton needs clothes,” Viper said, addressing Willa.

Willa frowned. “What kind of clothes?”

I answered, “Biker gal clothes. My mode of transportation for the foreseeable future is the back of Viper’s bike.”

“Ah.” Willa smiled. “I’ll take you to Leather and Ink. We’ll get you outfitted properly. Let me know when you want to go.”

“Tomorrow? Is that too soon?”

“Tomorrow’s good,” she said. “I can pick you up at the clubhouse if you want.”

“Oh, that would be great. Thanks.”

“No.” Viper’s voice reverberated through the air.

Willa looked at him. “It’s no trouble, really. I don’t mind.”

“Babe,” Duke said softly to her.

She glanced at her husband, who was shaking his head.

“What the hell is wrong with me taking Sutton to the boutique?” Willa demanded.

“I’ll take her. She can meet you there,” Viper explained.

Why was it when he was around other people he had such a hard time communicating normally, but with me, his words flowed like beer from a tap?

“I don’t understand,” Willa said, her gaze bouncing from me to Viper, demanding an explanation.

“Sutton staying at the clubhouse is club business. Viper’s job right now is to stick close to Sutton,” Duke clarified.

He looked at Viper, who nodded.

“Club business,” Willa muttered. “If I never hear those two words ever again it will be too soon.”

“You’re an Old Lady,” Duke said. “Club business is the only explanation you’ll get.”

She glared at him. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and drew her close for a kiss.

Willa wrenched her mouth away from him, flung off his palm, and stood up. She turned her attention to me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sutton.”