Page 70 of Venom & Vengeance

“Thank you. Now answer the question.”

“You don’t need your vibrator anymore because you have me,” he said again.

“Some couples use it as an added bonus,” I stated.

“We’re not them.”

“Jealous of a device. I was thinking of getting one of those robot vacuum cleaners one day. Or will that offend you as well?”

“I’m not offended,” he said, his voice lowering. “I just know I can do a better job than your vibrator. Besides, why would you want to settle for a vibrator when you can use the real deal?”

“Okay,” I said with a nod. “You can keep the vibrator on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re not allowed to touch yourself.”

“What?” he bellowed.

“You heard me. If I’m not allowed to use something, neither are you. So, if you want it, you get it from me, not your hand. Understand?”

His mouth twitched like he wanted to smile, but if he did he never let it show. “So then…any time I want sex, you’re saying all I have to do is come to you?”

“That’s right.”

“What if it’s the middle of the night?” he asked.

“Wake me.”

“What if we’re in public?”

“We’ll find somewhere private for a quickie,” I said, my cheeks heating at the thought.

“What if you’re working?”

“Then you wait until I’m done working. I don’t want to take advantage of Mia’s generosity by sneaking off the floor once a shift so you can get your jollies off.”

“Twice a shift,” he said with a smirk. “Last night, I wanted to pull you off the floor again, but I contained myself.”

“Bravo, Viper. So, does the same go for me? What ifIwant it in the middle of the night?”

“Climb on top and have your way with me.”

Grinning, I continued our little game. “And if we’re in public?”

“Bathroom doors lock.”

“I see.” I took a sip of my coffee. “I feel like we need to seal this verbal contract with a handshake.”

“If you mean your hand shaking my dick, then yeah, I’m good with how we seal the deal.”

“Viper, you charmer, you.” I chuckled. “Why are you up so early?”

“Never went back to bed.”

“You don’t sleep regular hours, do you?” I asked.

“I’m lucky if I get a solid six hours of sleep in a row, undisturbed. I’m not a heavy sleeper.”