Page 58 of Venom & Vengeance

Mia brought her voice to a whisper. “He’s glaring daggers at you.”

“He’s mad at my wardrobe choice. But he knows he has no say in the matter. So he has to glare in silence.”

“Why’s he mad at your wardrobe choice?” Mia asked in confusion.

“Oh, because we just started sleeping together,” I said. “And that’s brought out his possessive feelings.”

Mia raised her brows at me and then glanced again at Viper.

“You’re judging me, aren’t you,” I said with a sigh. “Since he and I just met.”

“On the contrary,” Mia said with a slow smile. “I’m stupefied. Viper being somewhat of a loner, I just figured…”

“Figured what? He was dating his hand?”

Mia’s peal of laughter echoed throughout the empty bar. “God, you’re a breath of fresh air. I love this so much. Will you excuse me a second? I need to call Colt. I’ll be back in a few.”

“Take your time. If a customer comes in, I can handle it.”

She walked off the floor and headed to the back office.

Ignoring Viper, I went to the jukebox. I perused the song selection and fed a dollar into the machine. With a grin, I pressed a button. A moment later, Sting’s voice filtered through the bar’s speakers and “Roxanne” began to play.

I whirled around and danced up to Viper, who still hadn’t moved from his perch atop the stool.

“Stop glaring. It’s going to scare off all my customers.”

“You don’t have any customers.”

“Yet,” I stated. “I didn’t ask you to sit at the bar all night during my shift. You’re going to get bored.”

“I’m not leaving.”

I scowled back at him. “Don’t make me use the water hose on you to cool you down.”

“You might have to,” he snapped. “Your ass is nearly hanging out of your shorts.”

“Nearly,” I repeated. “Notactually.”

“It’s the cowboy boots. I wasn’t prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

“Prepared for wanting to see them thrown over my shoulders while my tongue is between your legs.”

My eyes widened. “Aww, Viper. I didn’t know you were a poet. A regular Lord Byron. Say something else.”

“The great object of life is Sensation—to feel that we exist—even though in pain.”

“Beautiful,” I murmured. “Who said that?”

He smirked. “Lord Byron.”

I frowned. “Wait. You just quoted Lord Byron to me?”

Viper shrugged.

The door to the bar opened and a group of guys strode inside, immediately pulling my attention.