Page 38 of Venom & Vengeance

“Confused. That was the reason I was stuck in a room with Viper. He said he didn’t want me down here because these parties get wild, and he didn’t want me to see…things.”

Savage laughed and his shoulders shook. His laugh was so loud, it caused other people to stop speaking and stare at us.

I elbowed him in the ribs. “Stop it, you baboon.”

That only made Savage laugh harder.

Suddenly, he stood up. “Come on, half-pint. Let’s go for a walk.”

“Half-pint? Did you just nickname me?”

“Yup. Come on. Let’s walk.”

“Why would we go for a walk?” I demanded as I stood.

“Because I think I have an idea about why Viper pitched that line to you.”

“So, it was a line,” I guessed. “And it’s bullshit?”

“Well, not entirely,” he recanted, slinging an arm around my shoulder in friendly affection. “But I think we should talk about what’s going on between you and Viper.”

“Nothing’s go on between me and Viper,” I groused.

“Bingo. And judging by your tone, you want there to be. So, let’s talk. And I’ll help you make a game plan.”

I sighed. “Am I that obvious?”

“Yes. But if it makes you feel any better, it’s obvious Viper is into you, too.”

“Not as into me as I’d like,” I said before I could stop myself. I hastily covered my mouth as if that would undo what I’d said.

It only made Savage laugh again.

We headed off toward the picnic table, away from most of the partiers and the bonfire.

“Okay. Before we get into the Viper sitch, let me explain to you how the club works.”

“Class is in session,” I quipped. “I’m all ears.” I pointed to the bottle of bourbon, which he relinquished into my care.

“You’ve heard of Old Ladies?” Savage asked.

“Mia said something about them, but I think there’s more to it than she said.”

“Right. Old Ladies are wives, steady girlfriends, fiancées of the brothers. But it means more. It means they’ve been claimed. It means they’re off the market. It means you don’t touch an Old Lady unless you want your hands removed from your body.”


“Yeah.” He nodded. “It’s an honor, and we take that commitmentveryseriously. Now, not all brothers who have Old Ladies are faithful, but that has nothing to do with being a biker, and more to do with a man who’s a cheater.” He pointed to a group of bikers with women hanging all over them.

“These women are basically club groupies. No one has any claim to them. They can fuck whoever they want, whenever they want. Stacy can fuck Raze tonight, then leave his bed and fuck Bones an hour later if she wants. Get me?”

“Take one down, pass it around…yeah, I get you.” I frowned. “So, the groupies sleep with whoever they want, whenever they want. And the bikers don’t care?”

“They don’t care. If one of the guys starts caring enough about someone to stop them from sleeping around, they make her an Old Lady and then she’s off-limits.”

“I see.” I nodded.

“It’s rare, though. That a brother will make a club groupie his Old Lady. Brothers are fine sharing, but an Old Lady is gonna be the mother of your kids one day. Don’t really want every other club member having blown his load in one of her holes, you know?”