Page 230 of Venom & Vengeance

Why? Why haven’t there been any rumblings? How are we all just free to live our lives without concern about payback?

I went out into the backyard to get some fresh air and saw the shed door open where the brothers held church.

It was the middle of the night and I doubted they were holding church now, so what were they doing?

The door was propped open, and I saw Crow, Acid, Kelp, and Smoke sitting around the table with bottles of liquor and a pack of cards.

“Sutton,” Crow said when he saw me standing in the doorway.

“Sorry. Viper just—”

“We know,” Kelp said.

“I get the feeling I’m not supposed to know where he went, or with who,” I said.

“You’re not,” Smoke said. “You can’t get tripped up answering questions if you don’t know what’s going on.”

I nodded. “Makes sense.”

“You know how to play poker?” Acid asked.


“Want to learn?” Acid took a bottle of liquor and drank from it.

“Depends,” I said, stepping into the shed. “You sharing that moonshine?”

Acid handed me the bottle and I took a swig.

“Viper’s not going to flatten me, is he? For giving you booze?” Acid asked.

“I haven’t had painkillers in the last day or so,” I assured him. “My liver is safe.”

“Then sit down,” Kelp said. “And we’ll teach you how to play poker.”

There was an empty chair next to Crow.

Smoke gathered the cards and began to shuffle.

“You want to talk about anything?” Crow asked.

I shook my head. “I want to learn how to play poker. And drink.”

Acid smiled and slid the bottle closer to me. “We can make that happen.”

I glanced at Kelp. “What’s with your name?”

“Excuse me?” Kelp asked.

“Your road name. Crow, Acid, Smoke…pretty self-explanatory. But Kelp? You’re namedseaweed.”

“Yeah,” Kelp drawled. “Seaweed.”

“What is that? You love sushi?”

I saw Crow out of the corner of my eye shake his head and gesture to his throat in the classic sign ofshut up.

Kelp leaned back in his chair and pinned me with a look. “You really want to know how I got my name?”