Page 216 of Venom & Vengeance

“I woke up next to you this morning, and I—”

“I know what you did. I was there,” I said, cheeks flushing.

He grinned, grabbed my ass, and scooted me even closer so I was pressed against his fly. I ground against him for good measure.

“And then I got to watch you walking around the kitchen in my shirt and your thong while you made biscuits and gravy from scratch.”

“You can thank Crow for that recipe,” I said.

“The food was good, but I was happier about the view.”

“Yeah, I bet you were.”

“There was just one thing I didn’t like,” he said.

I frowned. “What? Was the gravy too spicy? Next time, I’ll—”

“Not about the food.”

“Then what?”

“I didn’t see my name inked on you anywhere.”

“Oh,” I said quietly. “You want your name inked on me?”

“Very much.”

My fingers curled into the hair at his nape. “I’d like that too.”


I nodded. “I might’ve been thinking about a tattoo. I sort of have an idea.”

“You gonna tell me about it?”

“No. I want it to be a surprise.”

“I can be surprised,” he said with a slight smile.

“Yeah?” I asked. I leaned back far enough so that I could pull my shirt off and toss it aside.

He slid his hands underneath my ass even more so that he hoisted me up, putting my nipples within reach of his lips. He sucked one into his mouth and my head bent back with pleasure.

“God,” I moaned.

“Call me Viper.”

My hands slid into the hair as I let him bathe my nipple with his lips.

He removed one of his hands from underneath me so that he could slip it into my panties. His finger stroked me.

My nipple popped from his mouth. “So fucking wet. How are you always so wet?”

“It’s your fault.” I gasped as he glided his finger deeper, but not deep enough.

I climbed off his lap and slithered my panties down and kicked them off. “I need your dick. Like right fucking now.”

He chuckled and went for his belt buckle.