Page 209 of Venom & Vengeance

“Cookies?” Savage asked. “What kind?”

“Chocolate chip, sprinkled with sea salt.”

Willa took the platter from me. “Oh, these look amazing. Duke will be back in a bit. The grill was out of propane, so he went to get it filled. Come on in. Let’s get you a drink.”

“I could use a drink,” Savage said.

“You already have a drink,” Willa replied as she headed into the living room. Viper and I followed.

“I have water,” Savage said. “I’d kill for a beer though.”

“You don’t need a beer. You’re recovering from surgery.” Willa rolled her eyes.

“Viper, do a brother a solid and get me a beer,” Savage pleaded.

Viper shook his head. “I’m not getting in the middle of this.”

“Where’s your loyalty?” Savage demanded.

Viper draped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. “Right here.”

“Whipped already,” Savage said, and then grinned.

“Come talk with me,” Willa said to me.

I left Viper to entertain Savage and went to the kitchen with Willa.

“Quiet house,” I said.

“Dylan got back into town, so Waverly is with him.”

“And Sailor?”

“Hanging out in the guesthouse.” She frowned. “I’m kind of worried about her.”

“Why?” I asked.

Willa set the cookies down onto the counter and then went to the fridge. “This crush on Acid is starting to affect her mood. She’s super mercurial lately. One minute, she’s fine, the next her world is ending.”

“She’s a teenager,” I said. “Big emotions.”

“Right. Have I already forgotten what it was like at her age?”

“I don’t know, have you?” I teased.

She opened the fridge. “Beer?”

“Sounds good.”

She pulled out two bottles and then opened a drawer and found a bottle opener.

“What about Waverly and Dylan? Their relationship seems intense for their age.”

Willa nodded and handed me a bottle. “It is intense. They’re in love. First love.”

“First heartbreak?” I inquired.

She shook her head. “On the contrary, I think this one might be the real deal. But they’resoyoung. I don’t have room to talk, though. Duke and I were childhood best friends and look how that turned out.”