Page 188 of Venom & Vengeance

“Where’s Duke?” Willa yelled. “And Savage! Where are they, Colt!”

Colt was holding Mia’s face in his hands and staring at her, but he managed to pull his attention away from his wife to answer. “Acid and Duke took Savage to the hospital. Savage took a bullet meant for Duke and he’s in critical condition.”

Willa reached out and placed a hand on the counter. Doc left Boxer’s arms and went to Willa’s side. “Breathe,” she said, placing her hand on Willa’s back. “Breathe for me. That’s it.”

When Willa was under control, she stood up. “I have to go to the hospital. Right now.”

“You’re not driving yourself,” Colt commanded. “You’re in no shape to.”

“I have to go!” Willa screamed, tears gathering in her eyes.

“I’ll drive you,” Raze said. His lip was split and his jaw was bruised, but he seemed intact overall.

“Let’s go,” Willa commanded. “Fuck, where’s my purse?”

“Right here,” Brooklyn said, grabbing it from next to the couch and handing it to her.

“Thanks.” She ran out the open front door, Raze following behind her. She exchanged a few words with Darcy, and then Darcy appeared in the doorway.

A frown of confusion marred her face. “I just saw Willa, and she told me about Savage.” She looked at Colt. “Is Gray with them, too?”

Colt released Mia and turned to face Darcy.

He slowly walked toward her.

Darcy’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “No.”

“Darcy,” Colt said, his voice soft. “I’m sorry, Darcy. He didn’t make it.”

“What do you meanhe didn’t make it?” she shrieked.

“He was covering our exit after we went in, making sure no one snuck up behind us. He was ambushed. After he…we had to fight our way out. We barely made it. He killed two of them before they—”

Rach pushed her way through the crowd and went to Darcy. She pulled her friend into her arms.


My heart leapt into my throat when I saw Lily, her blonde ringlets askew, her eyes soft with sleep, clutching a blanket to her chest.

“Hey, baby,” Darcy said with a shaky voice, somehow pulling herself together. “Did we wake you up?”

She nodded. “Is Daddy back yet?”

“Daddy’s running a few errands,” she lied, clearly holding back tears. “Let’s get you tucked back into bed.”

“I don’t want to sleep downstairs. Cam snores.”

“I’ll take you to my room, okay?” She stepped away from Rach toward her daughter and guided Lily from the room.

“Who else died?” Doc asked quietly.

“No one,” he said, expression grim. Mia snuggled up close to him and closed her eyes.

“Who’s injured the worst?” Doc asked.

“Zip,” Joni gasped. “Your leg.”

“Just a gash,” Zip said. “I cut my leg on some industrial metal when we were trying to get out of there.”