Page 159 of Venom & Vengeance

I wondered if I had the same gooey expression when I stared at Viper.

God, I hope not.

Another motorcycle engine rumbled in the distance and the prospects opened the gates again.

“Who’s here?” I inquired.

“That’s the rest of the crew,” Brooklyn said. “Everyone except Duke and Willa.”

“As soon as Duke gets here, we can have church,” Viper said.

“Is Prez in the headspace for that?” Slash asked.

“Guess we better go find out,” Viper replied.

We moved inside and the men went to the shed out back.

As the Old Ladies settled into the living room and kitchen, the front door opened, and Willa and Duke came inside. Duke leaned close and whispered something in Willa’s ear before pulling away.

“They’re all in the shed,” Mia said to Duke.

“Thanks,” Duke said, touching her shoulder as he passed by the couch.

Willa came into the kitchen and gave me a side hug. She released me and then took a stool at the counter since all the seats in the living room were taken.

I went and sat on the floor next to Mia’s feet. I looked up at her and asked, “How’s Colt?”

“Sobering up. Still angry as fuck,” she said, her mouth strained.

“What did you tell Silas?” Brooklyn asked her.

“The truth,” Mia said grimly.

I looked at her in shock. “Seriously?”

She nodded. “He’s thirteen. And this is not his first experience with the darker side of club life. Unfortunately.”

I wanted to delve deeper, but it didn’t seem appropriate. And even I knew when to bite my tongue.

“It was so much easier when the kids were babies and I didn’t have to explain anything,” Darcy said. “But now…with South Paw gone…”

“Are they—going to the funeral?” I asked.

Darcy shook her head. “Waverly and Sailor will stay with them. Here.”

Joni rubbed her sleeping son’s back, a pensive frown crossing her face.

That was something I hadn’t considered. What did you tell children who grew up in this life? Would they grow up knowing violence? Expecting it?

Questions I hadn’t even pondered suddenly blasted through my head and a sick feeling swirled in my belly.

“I need some air,” I said, hopping up. As I headed for the front door, I heard Mia say, “Should I—”

“No,” Willa interrupted. “Let me.”

I went out onto the porch and took a seat on the steps. The air was muggy.

“Mind if I sit?” Willa asked, shutting the door behind her.