Page 15 of Venom & Vengeance

When he made no move to leave, I cleared my throat and gestured with my chin to the door. “A little privacy, please?”

“You want privacy now?” he asked. “I’ve already seen your ass.”

“Out,” I barked.

“I’ll be back in ten minutes.” He pointed at me. “You better be up, or I’ll be taking you to Prez just the way you are.”

A slow smile spread across my face. “No you won’t.”

“I won’t? Fucking try me.”

And because I was feeling brave—and just a bit stupid—I whipped off the covers and slid out of bed, enjoying the tightening of his jaw and the heating of his gaze. “You won’t take me out there like this because you don’t want anyone else to see me like this.”

Silence descended between us, and it swelled with tension. It felt like it was its own entity, and it was growing, surrounding us in a bubble of sexual heat and need.

Viper clenched his tattooed fists and then marched to the door. He pulled it open so hard I thought for sure it would come off its hinges. He slammed the door shut, the vibration of the wood ringing in my ears.

I swallowed.

Teasing Viper might not be the smartest idea on the planet, but it sure as hell was a lot of fun.

I quickly pulled on my discarded jeans and tank top. Then I went into the bathroom. I did my business and after washing my hands, I twirled up my hair, wishing I’d asked Viper for a brush. I had purple smudges beneath my eyes, attesting to the few hours of sleep I’d gotten. I used my finger to brush my teeth again.

I came out of the bathroom and went to the nightstand. I had a missed call from a number I knew by heart but didn’t have saved in my phone. A twinge of guilt went through me when I realized I’d missed his call, but there was nothing that could be done about it now. I’d listen to the voicemail later.

The door opened again, and Viper strode in.

“Knock much?” I demanded.

He didn’t reply as he held out a cup of coffee toward me.

I took it and peered into the mug. It was light, almost like there was hardly any coffee in it. I took a sip. Yep. Enough sugar and cream to send me into a coma. Just the way I liked it.

And Viper had made it for me this way.

I looked up at him to find him watching me.

My shoulders sank. “Thank you.”

He blinked and then nodded.

I quickly pulled on my boots and then grabbed the mug and followed Viper out of the room. We headed to the first floor, through the hallway, to a small office. A man with dark hair and a fierce frown rose from behind the desk. He reminded me of Viper, in size and temperament, so I wasn’t put off in the least.

“Sutton,” he greeted. “I’m Colt. President of the Tarnished Angels.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said politely.

He gestured to the chair in front of the desk. I moved toward it and then spun to look at Viper.

I didn’t want him to leave, but I refused to ask him to stay. Something about my prideful nature prevented me from being needy. But he made the decision for me when he closed the door for privacy. He then went to the wall and leaned against it.

I smiled slightly and he inclined his head.

Turning around, I faced Colt again. His brown gaze was piercing and shrewd.

“Viper told me you’ve been pestering him with questions about why you’re here,” Colt began.

“Pester? I didn’t pester. I asked and he didn’t tell me,” I said, affronted.