Page 157 of Venom & Vengeance

“She left town. Sold her trailer and just packed up and left. She didn’t even tell me she was leaving.”

“You don’t sound upset about it.”

I shrugged. “Just kinda strange, you know? She can’t say goodbye like a normal person?”

“Would you have wanted that? A teary goodbye with hugs and promises to keep in touch?”

I glared at him. “Let me guess, you don’t do goodbyes. You just get on your bike and ride off into the sunset.”

He peered at me for a long moment and then said, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know that,” I replied automatically.

“What’s this really about?”

I tightened my grip on the railing and my knuckles turned white. “How’d you know it was about something deeper?”

“It’s always about something deeper. It’s never about what you think it is.”

“I’m a shit friend,” I said quietly. “I feel bad that I don’t feel bad that she’s left town.”

“Makes sense, based on what you’ve told me of your relationship. Not all people are meant to be in your life forever.”

“No one’s been in my life forever,” I murmured. “They all go away. At some point. I don’t stay in touch with work friends. My dad is…my dad. I lost my mom. Maybe I’m defective. Maybe I don’t know how to hold on to people.”

“Or maybe you haven’t found your tribe.” He looked over his shoulder at the clubhouse. “Until now.”

I thought about Willa, Savage, Mia. They already felt familiar. Like we had history.

“I’m glad she’s getting out of town. She’ll be safe. And who knows, maybe she’ll find a good man and be happy.”

I also knew she’d never call me again. Our paths had diverged. Maybe Viper was right. People didn’t always stay in your life for a long time, but that didn’t mean their presence wasn’t necessary. That they didn’t teach you something vitally important.

“Don’t hurt your brain trying to think your way out of this,” he teased.

I bumped my hip against him. “I guess I have to decide if I’m completely full of shit or not. I don’t really have the right to be upset that she up and left without so much as a goodbye when really, I never made a true overture to become close with her. It was easier not to.”

“You’re not going to be able to remain detached now,” Viper said. “Not with the club and definitely not with the Old Ladies.”

My phone lit up with an incoming text, quickly followed by a few more. I unlocked my cell and read the text thread, a smile blooming across my face.

“What?” Viper demanded.

“Mia added me to the Old Lady group text.”

“It’s official then.” He smiled. “Full stamp of approval. Hell, I don’t even need to bring it up at church.”

“Bring what up at church?” I asked in confusion.

“That I’m making you my Old Lady.”

“You have to talk about it at church? What, like you need the club’s permission?”

“Not like that,” he said. “It’s consideration. Letting the brothers know I’m making the step. Making it official. It’s a declaration.”

“Oh.” I bit my lip. “So is this a formal thing?”

“Is what a formal thing? Making you my Old Lady?”