Page 148 of Venom & Vengeance

“I’m relieved to hear it,” I admitted. “But what about the other thing?”

“What other thing?”

“Birth control isn’t foolproof, you know.”

“Thought we already talked about that,” he said quietly.

“We talked about you taking care of me and any potential offspring. But, Viper, I’m not ready for all that. And I’m definitely not ready for all that with the violence that’s going on.” I reached out and grasped his lapels. “What am I supposed to do? What if I got pregnant and you died? I’d be on my own.”

“You’d have the club,” he said reflexively.

“But I’m not your Old Lady,” I said. “They’d have no obligation to help me.”

“They don’t have an obligation to help you now,” he pointed out. “Two weeks ago, you were a stranger. Your friend was sleeping with Savage and that’s the only reason any of us got involved.”

I nodded. “You’re right. The club doesn’t have an obligation to help me. I’ll grab my shit and leave.”

I attempted to get up, but Viper blocked me.

“Hold on a second,” he said, placing his hand on my knee. “First of all, like hell I’m going to let you leave. And second, where would you even go?”

“A motel,” I said. “Or Carla’s.”

“How long could you stay at a motel before your money runs out? Shelly’s is closed for the foreseeable future. And you don’t have a car.”

“You make me sound like a loser.”

“No. You’re not a loser. You’ve had a rough go of it recently, that’s all.”

“I don’t want to be a burden or an obligation.”

“Mia gave you a job.”

“Because Colt asked her to.”

He rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. “For fuck’s sake, will you stop twisting everything around? How did our conversation even get here?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “Oh, wait, I remember. You came inside me without a condom.”

“Right. Okay, then let’s focus on one thing at a time.”


We stared at each other and neither of us said anything.

Finally, I said, “You got a solution?”

“To what? There’s no problem.”

“Not right now there’s not. What if we keep sleeping together and—”

“Notif. Wearegoing to keep sleeping together.”

I snorted. “Noted. Okay, we’re going to keep sleeping together. Condom or no condom?”

“How scared are you of actually getting pregnant?” Viper asked. “On a scale of one to ten.”

I hadn’t been prepared for his question. “About a seven.”