Page 130 of Venom & Vengeance

I didn’t want it to be the end for us.


Evening setin and we lit insect torches. But it was too hot for a bonfire.

Babies were asleep against their mothers and everyone else was full of food and drink. The older kids, including Waverly and Sailor, were inside watching a movie in the theater room.

“Construction starts next week on the expansion,” Colt said as we sat in a small group with Mia, Joni, and Zip.

“Permits finally came through?” the VP of the club asked. “It took long enough.”

“What was the problem?” Joni queried her husband.

Zip rubbed his jaw and looked at Colt.

“Other players in town. More competition now than ever before,” Colt explained.

“Competition?” I asked. “I don’t get it.”

“We have ways of communicating with people,” Zip said baldly. “So we can get what we want done sooner rather than later.”

“Oh. I see,” I said with a nod. “You bribe people or give them offers they can’t refuse.”

Joni displayed a slow smile. “And how do you feel about that? If that were true?”

I frowned. “Should I be taken aback by the fact that a bunch of bikers do illicit things? We’re good.”

“Love your sass, doll,” Mia quipped.

“Reminds me of someone else,” Colt said, setting his hand on his wife’s thigh.

I looked at Viper. “You biker men like your women sassy, don’t you?”

“I could live without the sass,” Viper taunted. His tone was gruff, but his eyes were lit with humor.

“Hmm. Seems like I’m the only one who puts up with your grumpy attitude around here. You need me.”

“Do I?” He yanked my chair closer and lifted my legs and placed them on his lap. He wrapped his hand around my ankle and began to stroke the side of my foot.

Viper and I were staring at one another, lost in the moment.

Someone sighed, reminding me that we had an audience.

“I wish you still looked at me the way Viper looks at Sutton,” Joni said to her husband.

“I looked at you that way last night right before I bent you—”

“Dude,” Colt growled. “That’s my sister.”

Joni grinned and patted her brother’s cheek. “Be happy that I’m happy.”

“I am happy that you’re happy. Otherwise Zip’s jaw would be on the other side of his head,” Colt growled. “I just don’t need to hear about shit I have no business knowing about.”

Joni stole a hand across her sleeping infant’s back. “How do you think we got one of these?”

“Immaculate conception,” Colt said. “Stork. Left on your doorstep. Anything but the real way.”

“Mia told me you lifted her legs up in the air and held her there for ten minutes hoping your seed would take,” Joni stated. “Turnabout is fair play.”