Page 102 of Venom & Vengeance

Both of them looked really young. Their faces weren’t lined with age yet.

“I’m Sutton.”

“Yeah, we know.” One of the guys with dark hair and blue eyes smirked. “You’re Viper’s woman.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not you too.”

“Me too what?” he asked.

“Never mind,” I muttered.

“I’m Crow,” the guy introduced himself.

“I’m South Paw,” the other dark-haired biker piped in.

Their leather cuts looked new, not at all weathered like Viper’s.

“Have you been part of the club long?” I asked politely.

“Patched in just a few weeks ago,” South Paw said. “But we were prospects for a while before that.”

“What are prospects?” I asked.

“Club bitches,” Crow said with humor. “We do grunt work.”

“Like guard duty,” South Paw muttered. “The bane of my existence.”

“But if you’re patched in, why are you still doing guard duty?” I asked in confusion.

“We’re on rotation,” Crow explained. “But we get stuck doing more shifts because we haven’t found new blood yet.”

“New blood?”

“New prospects,” South Paw expounded. “The club is…going through some changes.”

“Club puberty?”

The guys let out booming laughter.

“Ah, I see why Viper likes you. I mean, from what we can tell he doesn’t usually like anybody,” South Paw said.

“Yeah, I’ve gathered as much.” I kicked at the gravel. “Sorry to bother you guys. I’m just going crazy in there with nothing to do until I go to work later.”

“You could play video games,” Crow suggested.

“Already done it,” I said. “I kicked Savage’s ass.”

“I’m liking you more and more,” South Paw said.

I heard the faint rumblings of a motorcycle, and the both of them snapped to attention.

“You should head back inside,” South Paw said. “I’m sure it’s one of our guys but don’t know for sure.”

“Are you expecting trouble?” I asked.

“Plan for the worst, hope for the best,” Crow said.

I couldn’t really argue with that, so I walked toward the clubhouse. I watched from the porch as the guys opened the gate and a few motorcycles drove through. They parked on the gravel lot and cut the engines. I recognized Viper immediately, but not the other two.