Page 96 of Venom & Vengeance

“You think that compliment will make me like you right now?” I demanded with my hip cocked.

“No. I think caffeine will restore your usual good mood. Have a cup. Or two.” He stood up from the bed and walked over to me.

He leaned down to kiss me and because I was a damn sucker, I let him. There was no point in holding a useless grudge. This was my situation for the time being. I could take my chances without the protection of the club if I wanted…

Yeah, no thanks.

I went with him downstairs because now that I was awake, coffee was the most important thing on my agenda. The living room was empty, so at least there would be no one there to witness our goodbye.

“Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like it when you’re angry,” Viper said, wrapping an arm around my waist and hauling me close. “Because you bring that energy to my bed and I’m here for it.”

I frowned. “Are you teasing me? Or flirting? Is this you flirting again?”

“Do you like it?”

“I don’t know. It’s disconcerting. It’s keeping me on my toes, that’s for sure.”

He kissed me one last time and then released me. “See ya.”

I rolled my eyes. “See ya.”

The front door slammed shut. I went to the coffee maker and poured myself a mug, leaving a ton of room for cream and sugar.

I stood at the counter to enjoy my coffee and sent off an apology text to Willa, telling her that I’d have to bail because of Viper’s last-minuteclub shit.

My phone buzzed with an incoming call. It wasn’t a number I recognized, but I answered it anyway. “Hello?”

“Hello, may I please speak to Sutton Woods?”


“Sutton, it’s Chief Daniels. I have news about what started the fire.”


“A hair straightener was left on.”

“Oh,” I said slowly. “I can’t believe that’s what happened.”

“We’ve sent everything we have to the police department so you can make an insurance claim now. Put your insurance company in touch with the police department. They’ll take it from there. I’m sorry about your home.”

“Thank you, Chief Daniels. I appreciate your time.”

I hung up the phone with him and took a sigh of relief. That was one thing I didn’t need to worry about—there would be no fight with the insurance company. The plan had worked, and the club and I were off the hook. The cartel member had been disposed of, there was no longer any evidence of what I’d done, and the trailer had burned to the ground.

I was in the clear.

I felt relief, of course. But did that mean I would be moving out of the clubhouse sooner rather than later? Before that could happen, I needed the insurance money. The trailer hadn’t been worth a lot, but it was enough to buy a used vehicle, and I wasn’t going anywhere without wheels.

And with a car, I could drive out of town and never look back.

The front door opened and Savage and Acid came in.

“Hey,” Savage said.


“Nice outfit,” Acid teased.