Page 9 of Venom & Vengeance

I shook my head and forced a smile. “It’s rich and delicious. I’m pacing myself.”

“Glad to hear it. Enjoy.” She patted my shoulder and walked away.

I grabbed the white sugar caddy and heavily sugared my coffee and then added a huge splash of cream. “Why are you guys helping me?”

“Not important right now.”

“It’s not?” I raised my brows.

He picked up his spoon and dug into the strawberry ice cream.

I snorted out a laugh.

“What?” he demanded with a growl.

“You look like you’re eating a kiddie size.”

He didn’t appear as though he’d heard me and continued to devour his ice cream. It was gone in just a few bites. “You gonna eat that pie?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.”

He slid the plate closer to him. “You’re a strange broad.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Viper shook his head. “You gonna fall apart on me after what you did tonight?”

“Doubt it.”

There hadn’t been time to fall apart. I’d been on autopilot since the incident. When I was alone, I might deconstruct what had happened. What I’d done. Then again, I might bury it and never think about it again. Self-preservation and all that.

“You grew up rough, didn’t you?” Viper asked once he’d demolished the pie.

“Wait, did this just turn into a real date?” I deflected. “Sounds like you’re wanting to get to know me.”

“You drive me batshit,” he muttered.

“So soon? We’ve hardly been together long enough for that to be true.”

My phone rang, startling me.

“Saved by the motherfucking bell,” he snapped.

With a glare, I reached into my purse and pulled out my cell. Carla’s name flashed across the screen.

“Remember to act surprised,” he stated. “She’s gonna tell you what you already know.”

I rolled my eyes and answered my phone. “Hello?”

“Sutton,” she began. “I have really bad news. Your trailer burned to the ground.”

“What?” I yelled. “Are you serious? What the fuck?”

“Fire department is here,” she said. “They’re putting the fire out, but you need to come back right away. I’m so sorry.”

“Could my life get any worse?” I screeched. “I’ll be there in a few.” I hung up and set my phone aside.

Viper was shaking his head at me.