Page 87 of Venom & Vengeance

We were still out of earshot and I felt comfortable asking, “Viper’s past. Is it bad?”

“I guess it depends on your definition of the word.”

It was clear Willa had loyalty to Viper because she was an Old Lady. They protected their own.

I’m never going to be Viper’s Old Lady.

The thought came unbidden, striking like lightning.

Viper and I had amazing sex. Though that was new for me, even I wasn’t naive enough to believe that you could build a foundation on sex alone.

Everyone was sitting around the fire when Willa and I came to join. There was a chair next to Viper, which I immediately took. The fire pit was gas, and looked to be more for ambiance than actual warmth. Not that we needed warmth. It was the beginning of summer in Texas.

Willa perched in the seat next to Duke, who clearly felt she was too far away. He grabbed her chair and pulled her closer, and then rested his hand on her thigh.

Waverly’s head was buried in her phone, and she typed something quickly before setting it down in her lap. “So what did you think about my workshop? Pretty snazzy, right?”

“Super snazzy,” I said with a grin. “You guys are doing really cool stuff.”

“Viper said your house burned down and that’s why you’re staying at the clubhouse,” Sailor said. “Sorry to hear that.”

“The house burning down, or staying at the clubhouse?” I asked with a smile.

Sailor’s blue eyes twinkled. “Both.”

“The clubhouse isn’t that bad,” Acid said.

“It’s a dude haven,” Sailor said.

“Have you been to one of their parties yet?” Waverly asked eagerly. “Like, not a family potluck or whatever. I’m talking arealparty.”

“Why do you look so intrigued?” Savage queried her.

She shrugged and feigned nonchalance. “Just curious.”

“Oh, I know that look,” Duke said with a laugh. “Waverly’s about to turn our hair gray.”

Waverly straightened her spine and tossed long, red hair over her shoulder. “Just a glimpse of what you’re in for when your little moppet comes along.”

“Thoughtful of you,” Willa said to her sister. “Dylan, you’re supposed to be a calming influence on her. Do something.”

Dylan looked at Waverly. “I’m supposed to be a calming influence.”

“Then limit my caffeine intake,” she sassed. “I’m unhinged.” Waverly’s phone buzzed. She picked it up and scrolled through the text. “It’s Jess.”

Sailor rose. “Her house?”

Waverly nodded and then asked, “Is it cool if the three of us take off?”

“Yeah,” Willa said. “Home before midnight. And please don’t come back with any tattoos or piercings.”

“Tall order,” Waverly quipped. “But okay. It was nice meeting you, Sutton.”

“You too,” I said.

The three teenagers departed, taking their energy and lightness with them.

“Your sister is a pistol,” I said.