Page 86 of Venom & Vengeance

“Age is kind of bullshit,” Willa said with a laugh. “I was nine when Waverly came along. I was more a mother to her than our own mother was. But I get ya. Can’t really see Viper as the dad type.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s fair to say,” I protested. “I think he’d be a good dad. He’s protective, and he’s always making sure I have enough to eat and—”

Willa cracked a grin. “Gotcha.”

“Gotcha what?”

“You like him.”

“Of course, I do. I’m sleeping with him, aren’t I?”

“You can sleep with people you hate. Youcareabout him. Admit it.”

“No.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’ll do no such thing.”

“Savage told me Viper almost flattened Smoke for calling you a piece of tail.”

“God, can Savage keep a secret about anything?”

“Only when it actually matters,” Willa stated. “He holds some of my darkest secrets, and he’s never spilled. But when it comes to gossip? That’s a different beast altogether.”

I chuckled. “That guy.”

“I haven’t met the woman he’s currently sleeping with,” Willa said. “She’s your friend, isn’t she?”

“Carla? Yeah. She’s my friend. It’s not serious between them though. According to Savage, anyway.”

“Nothing with Savage is ever serious—relationship-wise. I don’t want your friend to get her heart broken.”

“Carla’s twice divorced and learned her lesson. She’s careful with men now. I doubt she has much of a heart left to break anyway. Besides, Savage told me it wasCarlawho said they weren’t anything serious.”

“One of these days, I’d like a woman to come along and knock Savage on his ass. I want him to fall in love. I worry sometimes that he’s incapable of it.”

“Rough past?” I asked gently.

She paused a moment and then nodded. “Viper had a rough past too. Though I’m sure you know all about it.”

“I don’t actually.”

“Oh.” Willa nibbled her lip. “We should get back to the guys.”

“Nah-ah, no way. You can’t leave me hanging like that. Youhaveto tell me.”

“I can’t. I’m an ass for even bringing it up. Ask Viper.”

“Viper. Close-lipped, has-sex-with-me-as-a-distraction-when-I get-mouthy Viper?ThatViper?”

“Okay, you don’t have to brag.” She smirked.

“Sorry. I have very little filter.”

“Wait until you spend any sort of time with my sister. She’s got zero filter—and curses like a trucker.”

“My kind of gal.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll get along.”

We left Waverly’s shop and ambled through the backyard toward the fire pit where everyone had congregated.