Page 84 of Venom & Vengeance

“This is my office,” she said as she opened a closed door. There was a large green desk in front of the window that overlooked a pasture of horses.

“Love this space,” I said. “And the desk.”

“Waverly did it. Well, she didn’t make the desk herself, she flipped it.”

“Very cool,” I said.

“She flips a lot of furniture,” she said. “So, if you need anything…you know, after what happened to your home…”

“Ah, yeah, the fire.” I nodded slowly. “You know about that?”

“No real secrets in the club. All the Old Ladies know about the fire. Any word about what happened?”

“Not yet,” I lied. “Still waiting on the fire chief to call.”

“I can’t even imagine. I mean, I’ve lived in some shitty places over the years. Waverly and I both have, but we’ve never had our house burn down.”

“Wasn’t a house. It was a trailer.”

“Still,” Willa said. “It was your haven.”

“I guess,” I said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“How’s staying at the clubhouse?”

“It’s okay. Fine. It’s…”

“A lot of dudes.”

I chuckled. “Yeah. I don’t mind that so much. I kind of like the comfort of having a lot of people around.”

“And Viper?”

“Oh, I see. I was lured into a house tour under false pretenses.” I laughed. “Though, Mia did warn me that if I had dinner with you, I’d get the third degree.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I got the third degree about me and Duke constantly. It’s just what us Old Ladies do. We scope people out, you know?”

“And whatever I tell you, you’ll report to the crowd, huh?”

“Something like that.” She smiled. “More like I’ll give my opinion on you. The other Old Ladies are kind of chomping at the bit to meet you.”

“Why?” I asked. “As soon as I move out of the clubhouse and go about my life, you’ll never see me again.”

“Right, you’re only staying at the clubhouse for a bit.” She grinned. “Yet, you and Viper are looking pretty chummy.”

“We’re chums,” I quipped.

“Yeah, right. Let me show you Waverly’s shop. It’s cooler than the upstairs.”

“What do you mean,yeah right?”

“Look, I’m not going to pry. I’m not going to ask you about your relationship with Viper, but…”

“But what?”

“These men. They’re different.”

“Different how? They don’t have wings and tails do they?”