Page 71 of Venom & Vengeance

“How are you not exhausted all the time?”

“I am.” He smiled slightly. “I’ve just learned how to deal with it.”

I finished off the last of my coffee as I mulled over his words.

The back door opened, and Savage strode outside with a mug. His blond hair was askew. His eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was pale.

“You look like hell,” I said in way of greeting.

“Morning to you, too.” He glowered.

“How are you hungover?” I asked him. “I poured you like, two beers.”

“I met up with Carla,” he muttered. “And fuck, that woman can drink me under the table.”

“That’s my girl.” I grinned. “You just come from her place?”

He nodded.

“How did you stay on your motorcycle?” I asked.

“Sheer force of will. Breakfast is on the way.”

“Breakfast. I’m so in the mood for breakfast,” I said and looked at Viper. “Boots?”

“Yeah, Boots.”

“Wait,” Savage said. “I just said breakfast is on the way.”

“That implied that you ordered food for yourself,” I said. “Did it mean something else?”

“I begged Brooklyn,” Savage said with a grin.

“Fuck yes,” Viper growled. “Well done.”

“Brooklyn? Who’s Brooklyn?” I asked.

“Brooklyn is Slash’s Old Lady,” Viper said.

“She owns Pie in the Sky,” Savage added.

“Never heard of it,” I admitted.

“It’s a bakery café and her biscuits are the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth. Not including breasts and—”

“You better be talking about chicken breasts,” I said lightly.

“Hmm, fried chicken,” Savage moaned. “I could eat some fried chicken. I’ll beg Willa to make it tonight for dinner.”

“Do you just have a roster of women who rotate feeding you like an animal?” I asked in amusement.

“Yes.” Savage grinned. “It’s the best deal there is. All right, lovebirds. I’ll be inside sucking down more coffee. Food should be here soon.” He went back inside.

I looked at Viper, who was staring at me with an expression I couldn’t decipher.

“What?” I demanded.
