Page 54 of Venom & Vengeance

“I wanted hot sauce,” Viper said.

“That was your penance for embarrassing me.”

Viper grinned. “I’ll suffer in silence.”


“Your turn,”I said after I swallowed a bite of the sugary, chocolate crepe.

“My turn what? I’m not telling you how many women I’ve slept with.”

“Oh, I don’t care about that,” I assured him.

His fork was halfway to his mouth. “You don’t?”

“Your dick doesn’t belong to me,” I quipped. “I mean, it kind of does for the time being, but who you’ve stuck it in before me is no concern of mine.”

The server slammed down the bottle of hot sauce. “Thought you might want this,” she muttered.

“I tip well,” I drawled. “I’m in the industry.”

The server sighed. “Well, knowing that, I feel sort of bad that I’ve been telling the kitchen guys about your conversation.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Viper mumbled.

“Let me ask you a question,” I said to the server.

“Sutton,” Viper warned.

“Hush, you. I want another woman’s opinion.”

“I’m listening,” the server said.

“Would you care about how many partners your boyfriend has slept with before you?”

She shook her head. “No. Though, my last boyfriend had a different idea about what was before versusduring.”

“Shitbag,” I stated.

“Big one.” She looked at Viper. “But no. I wouldn’t care. As long as he doesn’t have something contagious, you know?”

“Valid,” I said.

“Can I get back to my breakfast now?” Viper demanded.

“Thanks for your thoughts on the matter,” I said to the server.

She saluted and walked away.

“You’re shameless, you know that?” he asked.

“Says the man who carts me over his shoulder like a caveman every chance he gets.”

“You like it.”

“Of course, I like it. I wouldn’t keep sassing the shit out of you unless I wanted you to take me back to your man cave and let you fuck the attitude right out of me.”

He leaned back in the booth and peered at me.