Page 40 of Venom & Vengeance

“Hi, honey,” I said to Viper. “How’s the family?”

Without a word, Viper came over to the table, lifted me in his arms, and hoisted me over his shoulder.

“What the fuck?” I demanded.

“Hey, Viper,” Savage drawled. “Nice night for a romantic walk, isn’t it?”

“Shut up,” Viper growled. He grabbed the back of my thigh and gave it a squeeze. “I told you to stay put.”

“I’m not so good with the staying-put thing. Nor am I good at following directions,” I said. “Is this you proving a point? That if I’m bad, you’ll punish me. Oh God,pleasepunish me.”

Viper cursed under his breath but didn’t deign to give me a response. He spun on his heel. I lifted myself up so I could see Savage.

He grinned and saluted.

I grinned back.

Maybe the way into Viper’s pants was pissing him off so royally he had no choice but to unleash his sexual frustration upon my naked, willing body.

I can dream, right?

Viper strode through the party.

“Girl, you are so lucky!” One of the club groupies called. “I love angry sex!”

A biker near her grinned and said, “Yeah? You want to get into a fight and then make up?”

I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation because suddenly we were in the clubhouse and the screen door was slamming shut behind us. Perhaps this was my impending doom.

I couldn’t wait.


“Put me down,”I protested.

“No,” he snapped. “Why the fuck can’t you follow simple directions?”

“I’m not a poodle,” I clapped back. “You don’t get to tell me to sit and stay. I woke up and you were gone. I’m an adult. I do what I want.”

“Not only did you ignore the note,” he gritted. “But you were down at the party.”

“And there was nothing going on. Everyone still had their clothes on.”

“They haven’t busted out the moonshine yet. A few more hours and it will be a fucking fertility ritual out there.”

“If you’re trying to dissuade me, you just made me infinitely more curious.”

We took the stairs and a few moments later, he opened his bedroom door and carried me across the threshold.

The wood reverberating in the doorframe was ominous, and trepidation swirled in my belly.

Viper tossed me onto the bed. He loomed over me, staring down.

Annoyance flashed across his face. “You disobeyed me.”

Trepidation morphed into anger. I arched a brow. “Disobeyedyou?”

I flipped my body so that I was on all fours. I peered at him over my shoulder. “So spank me, you brute.”