Page 39 of Venom & Vengeance

“Classy.” I wrinkled my nose. “So, let me guess. I’m not an Old Lady, so I’m free to do whatever I want with whoever I want.”

“Technically, yeah.” Savage grabbed the bottle and took it from me. “However, Viper keeping you away from the party kinda proves he doesn’t want you fucking around with his brothers. And you’re not one of us, so you haven’t been with anyone he knows yet.”

“Yeah, I get that. That all makes sense. But he—ah fuck, I’ll just come out and say it. It’s like he’s trying to resist me or something. Saying I’m too young. I’mnottoo young. I’m twenty-two. I can hang with the big boys.”

Savage was quiet for a moment as he took a long drink. “He’s had a rough go of it the last few years. He’s trying to get his head screwed on straight.”

“And that’s why he pulls back every time something almost happens between us?”

“You’ll have to ask him about that.”

“I have. He blames my age. Or his age. Says he’s too old, too jaded for us to be together.”

“He might not be wrong about that. You’d do well to listen to him.”

“Yeah, okay, but I’m not asking for anything. I’m not asking to be his Old Lady. Christ, wejustmet. I was hoping for some…I don’t know. I could’ve died last night, you know? I just want to live a little.”

“Not a bad attitude to have,” he said. “Not at all. But here’s the thing about the club. A lot of the brothers have claimed their women fast. It means something to us—the Old Lady thing. And if Viper won’t fuck you, then I’m guessing there’s something more to it than just the age thing.”

“Wait, are you saying…no, no way.”

“No way what?”

“There’s no way he wants toclaimme.”

“You don’t know.”

“We barely know each other.”

“Sutton,” he said gently. “You’ve already spent more time with Viper than anyone else in this club. And he’s been here for weeks.”

I blinked. “Weeks? I don’t get it. Oh, wait. Carla told me he’s from the South Dakota chapter, right?”

Savage nodded. “Bones, Raze, Smoke, Kelp, and Viper are all from South Dakota. They came down recently because they needed a club, and we needed more men. For this cartel shit. The other guys, they already feel like they’ve been part of club for years. But Viper? Viper keeps to himself. Mia and the other Old Ladies have invited him to their homes for dinner. He rejects any offer of kindness or friendship.”

“But why?” I asked, mouth agape.

“Just who he is, I guess.” He frowned, looking like he wanted to say more, but he clamped his mouth shut. “The fact that he’s choosing to spend time with you over anyone else says a lot.”

“He’s not choosing me,” I protested. “He’s my bodyguard because of the shit I’ve been pulled into.”

“He doesn’t have to talk to you, does he?” Savage pressed. “I mean, I’ve seen you guys. I’m flummoxed.”

“Talking is a loose term. He’s a wall of muscle who prefers grunting to actual words.”

I looked past Savage to see Viper standing on the other side of the bonfire, his eyes trained on me.

“Ah, there’s the sexy caveman now.”

“So, you like that he speaks in grunts, do you?” Savage quipped.

“I just like him,” I admitted. “And it’s hell on my ego that he rejects me.”

Viper began to march toward us, his expression murderous.

“Uh-oh,” I said.

“Uh-oh, what?” Savage asked.