Page 28 of Venom & Vengeance

“Not what I asked,” she said with a laugh.

“Your call actually interrupted the conversation.”

“The conversation about what?”

“That Viper is too old for me. His words, not mine.”

“And what do you think?” she pressed.

“I think he keeps to himself because it’s easier for him that way. Not because he actually likes being alone.”

“Do any of us like being alone?” Carla asked. “I wouldn’t have married my two ex-husbands if I’d learned how to be alone.”

“Do you know anything about Viper?” I asked.

“I know he’s from Spearfish, South Dakota. Savage told me there was a club chapter there, but it disbanded after they lost their president. There were a few guys, including Viper, who came down to join the club here.”

“Oh,” I said quietly.

“Any word from the fire chief?”

“Not yet.” I paused. “Is it weird that I’m not that torn up about losing my home?”

“Kind of, yeah.”

“My home wasn’t like your home,” I said.

Carla had bought the trailer after her second divorce. Paid it off, renovated it, made it feel and look like a comfortable, warm haven. My trailer was just what it was. A trailer. One giant plastic and cardboard box that reminded me that I was going nowhere in life.

“You want me to come to the clubhouse tonight?” she asked. “I’ll bring a bottle of bourbon and we can talk about it all. If you want.”

“Thanks,” I said. “But no. I don’t want to talk it all out. I don’t want to think about it.”

“Careful burying that shit. Better if you deal with it now,” she warned. “It’s the type of shit that comes back to bite you in the ass.”

My full belly churned. “You think talking about it will help? I’m not even supposed to talk about it unless it’s with Viper or Savage. That’s what the president of the club said. But it doesn’t matter because I don’twantto talk about it. I want to forget about it. I want to leave it where it is and move on.”

“Okay, I get it. Bad shit happens and there are definitely times you don’t want to dwell on it.”

“So, Savage?” I asked.

“What about him?”

“It that going to turn into anything?”

“You mean will he become ex-husband number three? I haven’t decided yet.”

I chuckled. “You deserve happiness. You get that, right?”

“So do you, Sutton. So do you. Keep me posted. I’m intrigued about your relationship with Viper.”

“There is no relationship with Viper,” I protested.


She hung up before I could respond, and silence drilled into my ear.

With a sigh, I returned to the table. The plates had been cleared and Viper was laying down cash on the check presenter.