Page 232 of Venom & Vengeance

“For your own safety.”

“Right.” I cradled his face in my hands and skimmed my thumbs along the apples of his cheeks. “So?”

“It’s done. We’re safe. No more looking behind us.”

“We’re safe.” I let out a sigh.

He walked with me still in his arms toward the clubhouse. I had no idea where Raze or Bones went, and at the moment I didn’t care.

All my focus was on Viper.

His warm skin.

His smile.

His promise.

“Take me home, Viper.”

He captured my lips in a ravenous kiss. “I’m taking you to bed first.”


A week later


“It’s official. I finally heard from Sanchez, and he’s aware that working with him is out of the question from this point forward,” Colt said.

Zip chimed in, “So we’re good then? I mean, all this shit is settled?”

“Pretty much. After the raid, I told the Feds it wasn’t going to go over very well with Sanchez, but they were pretty fucking clear that we could no longer do business with an Argentinian drug lord. Told me I’d hear from Sanchez just to button things up, but that we’re done being mules for him.”

“So, we’re out of the drug game?” Raze asked.

Colt nodded. “Let’s go over this again so everyone is on the same page. It’s critical you guys know where we stand. We got a pass from the Feds for the raid on the cartel safe house, but they’re done cleaning up our shit. They’re taking credit for the raid, so the cartel doesn’t know it was us. That will prevent any blowback onto the club. The Feds also made it clear they’ve been watching us since we rescued the girls from the furniture truck, and that the only reason we aren’t already in prison is they know who it was we killed. Every single thing we’ve done since then—all of it—is on file. If we get in hot with the cartel from here on out, it’s for defensive purposes only. Anything on the offense, or to make money, and we all go to prison for the rest of our lives.”

“Fuck that,” Zip said.

“Agreed,” Boxer added. “We’ve lost too many brothers already. Don’t need any more of us taken out—and I’d rather die a free man than locked up behind bars. They really have all of it?”

“Everything. How do you think they got to the cartel safe house right after we did? I don’t know about you, but I almost shit my pants when I heardFBI,” Colt said.

Everyone in the room laughed, but the mood was tense.

“Yeah, that sucked,” Boxer said. “I could barely believe it when it happened. Okay, so how do we know they’re going to keep all this under wraps? We can’t have other clubs thinking we struck a deal with the Feds. We’re fucking outlaws. If anyone thinks we’re working with the Feds, we’re fucked.”

Colt paused and said, “But we didn’t make a deal, and we’re not working with the Feds. They told us how it was going down and we didn’t provide anything in return. It’s different. Even if word got out, what would people say? We killed a bunch of human traffickers and rescued women and children, and then attacked the cartel directly? We didn’t snitch. We didn’t give them shit. They were watching us, and when shit hit the fan they gave us a pass, that’s all. And at this point, we don’t have much of a choice but to do what they say. The Feds made it clear they have bigger fish to fry, and so long as we stay out of cartel business, we are no longer big fish. At least not to them.”

The room went quiet.

“What about Viper’s thing?” Raze asked.

“Like I said, we stopped being big fish after we raided the cartel safe house and they put us on notice. When Viper and Sutton got shot, I knew they weren’t keeping tabs on us anymore. It was radio silence. They didn’t even reach out to question the club about it. Fact is, the shit is hitting the fan with the cartel in this country, and the Feds don’t have the resources to stop petty beef between former inmates, even if that beef ends in murder. So, Viper is good. That thing is over, and not to be discussed again. So far as working with Sanchez, we’ll vote, just to make it official,” Colt said. “All those in favor of getting out of the drug business, say aye.”

It was unanimous.

“It’s settled then. We’re no longer drug mules for Mateo Sanchez,” Colt said.