Page 225 of Venom & Vengeance

“So, what did I miss?” I asked.

“A lot,” he said. He pulled his holster and pistol from his waistband and then set them on the nightstand, and then sat on the edge of the bed. “I talked with the South Dakota boys for a long time. We came up with a plan.”

“A plan? Am I allowed to know this plan? Or are you going to have sex with me to distract me from asking questions?

“Can you for just one second be serious?” he demanded as he set his boot aside.

“Can I be serious? Fuck no, I can’t be serious. We almost died today. Fuck being serious. It’s called gallows humor. You’ve heard of it? It’s my coping mechanism. Did you punch a tree like Raze suggested?”

“Do you actually want to know the plan, or are you going to continue with the snark?”

“Can’t I do both?”

Viper’s mouth flickered.

“Ah-ha! That’s your tell,” I said, leaning over and pressing the corner of his mouth with a finger. “Come on pookie, give me a lip curl.”

He turned his head and kissed my finger.

I sighed. “Damn, don’t be sweet to me. I might finally break down in tears if you’re sweet to me.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

“You couldn’t handle my tears.”

“Try me,” he said.

“No thanks. Continue, please.”

“I reached out to a guy I met in prison. He’s going to ask around about Lenny and see if we can get a lock on his location.”


“Lenny the Mooch. He has a bad habit of borrowing money from new inmates who don’t know him. Later, when they ask for it back, he shanks them.”

“Sounds like a nice guy…”

“You saw what he tried. Look, we obviously know his plan. He wants to take me out. He won’t leave town until it’s done. I just have to make sure I get to him before he gets to me.”

I sighed and leaned my woozy head against his shoulder. “And to think my biggest concern was the cartel war…”

“I won’t be hunting him alone, Sutton. My boys will go with me.”

“So, you’ll have them watch your back?”


I nodded. “Okay. I can deal with that.”

“You can?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“I can. The sooner you take care of this, the sooner we can get back to living happily ever after.”

“We’re living happily ever after?”

“Yeah, we are.” I grasped his shirt and tugged him toward me. “I’m basically Cinderella. Only instead of a tux, my Prince Charming wears leather and kills people.”

He threaded a hand through my hair and tugged my head back. “You want charming? I can be charming.”