Page 22 of Venom & Vengeance

My stomach suddenly rumbled.

“When was the last time you ate?” he demanded.

I frowned in thought.

“If you’ve got to think about it then it was too long ago,” he stated. “You didn’t eat this morning.”

“You said that like an accusation,” I quipped.

“Your belly confirmed it.” He climbed onto his bike and started the engine. “We’ll go to Spurs. You’ll quit, get your shit, then we’re getting you food. You gotta eat, Sutton.”

I hopped on the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around him. It felt easy, natural. Like I belonged there.

But I didn’t belong there.

Viper watching out for me and giving me rides was out of necessity and protection. I couldn’t forget that.

Spurs wasn’t a bad place to work. We got a free meal every shift, the mangers usually left us alone, and we didn’t have a skeevy boss trying to take advantage of us. I hadn’t been there long, but I’d found a rhythm. I evolved quickly and easily though, and leaving Spurs to work at Shelly’s wouldn’t be a problem.

“Hey, Sutton,” Delilah greeted from the host stand. “I didn’t think you were working tonight.” Her painted smile slipped when she noticed Viper’s huge form behind me.

“I’m not. Who’s managing tonight. Jim?”

She nodded. “He’s in the office doing next week’s schedule.”

“Great, thanks.” I looked at Viper. “I’ll meet you at the bar when I’m done.”

“I’ll stand outside the office,” Viper said, his tone not allowing for argument.

The door to the restaurant opened and an elderly couple came in. I pulled Viper off to the side so Delilah could greet them and show them to a table.

“Please, Viper,” I said, pitching my voice low. “It’s weird if you come back there with me.”

“Don’t care.” He cracked his knuckles.

With a sigh, I marched across the floor. When I arrived at the office door, I turned to Viper. “Wait here.”

He nodded.

I knocked on the door and cracked it open. Jim was a balding man in his forties, and he was sitting behind the desk. He looked up when I popped my head in.

“Hey, Sutton,” he said with a smile. “It’s your day off. What are you doing here?”

“You have a second?” I asked.

“Sure thing.”

I opened the door farther and then entered. Jim’s gaze tracked Viper, who stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall. He didn’t have to do anything to look menacing because hewasmenacing. I shot Viper a glare and then closed the door.

“New friend of yours?” Jim asked.

“Boyfriend,” I lied. “Recent.”

“Oh.” Jim frowned. “So, what’s up?”

“I’m quitting,” I said.

“Quitting? Why?” He looked in the direction of the closed door. “This isn’t your boyfriend’s idea, is it?”