Page 206 of Venom & Vengeance

“Giving me grief.” He kissed her again and stood up but didn’t move away from her.

Viper came over to me and placed his hand on my hip. “You good?”

“I’m good.” I leaned against him. I loved that he touched me in public. I looked at Brooklyn. “We need to get going. We have a hot date at a furniture store. Viper told me I can buy anything I want.”

“You might come to regret that, my man,” Slash joked.

Brooklyn grasped the back of his thigh. “Doyouregret spoiling me?”

“Nope,” he said.

“Come on,” I said to Viper. “They’ve got that look.”

“What look is that?” Brooklyn asked.

“The look that says Slash’ll be eating you for dinner in place of the chicken and dumplings.”

“Sutton!” Her cheeks flushed.

“The woman isn’t wrong,” Slash said as he looked down at his wife with hunger in his gaze.

“I’d tell you to use protection, but you’ve already got a bun in the oven. So I’ll just say, have fun and don’t hurt your back,” I said.

“That was directed at you,” Brooklyn said to Slash.

“Yeah, I got that,” he drawled. “She has no filter.”

“None,” Viper agreed. “But I’m learning to live with it.”

“It’s nice to have things you can count on,” I said.

Slash shook his head. “See you guys later.”

Viper and I left their house and climbed into the truck.

I sighed as I buckled myself in.

“What?” Viper asked as he settled into his seat.

“I’m so jealous of them right now.”

“Why? Because they’re about to have sex in the kitchen?” he asked.

“Sex in the kitchen, but also just sex. I miss it.”

“It’s only been a day.”

“I know, but you jump-started my libido just by existing. I might be humping your leg by the end of the week.”

“I’m willing to have sex with you before the week is out. Damn my injured ribs.”

“Willing?” I asked as I put the truck in gear. “Don’t do me any favors.”

He flashed a grin. “I’ll do you so many favors.”

“Fuck furniture shopping,” I quipped. “I’d rather fuck you.”

“And you say I have a way with words.”