Page 204 of Venom & Vengeance

“Sounds like you’re going to drag her away whether or not she wants to go,” I said with a grin.

“She can’t say no to me.” She sighed. “Duke enlisted my help. Between the two of us, hopefully we can get her out of there. And maybe, just maybe, she’ll want to sleep in her own bed tonight, which means Sailor and I can finally go home. Brooklyn and Slash are great, but they’re kind of all over each other.”

“Aren’t Willa and Duke all over each other?” I asked with a laugh.

“Yes, but at least Sailor and I have our own living space. We don’t have to see it all the time.”

“Then why couldn’t you guys just stay at your place?” I asked.

“Willa wanted us with family.” She shrugged. “I didn’t fight her on it.”

We followed Waverly through the hallway into the kitchen. Sure enough, Brooklyn was dicing veggies, but she put down the knife to greet us.

“Can I get you all something to drink?” she asked.

“Water for me, please,” I said.

“Same,” Viper added.

“Slash is in the den,” Brooklyn said as she filled a glass with ice.

“Kicking me out already?” he asked lightly.

Brooklyn blinked and then smiled. “I can put you to work if you’d prefer.”

“Oh no. Unless you want me to start a fire, you better kick me out,” Viper said.

“How were you ever going to take care of yourself if I didn’t come along and learn how to cook for both of us?” I teased.

“Luckily I don’t have to think about that anymore.” He grasped the back of my neck and leaned down to kiss me. “If you have a jar that needs opening or the trash needs taking out or something, give a shout.”

Brooklyn handed him a full glass of water. I grinned at his retreating back and then turned my attention to Brooklyn who had an amused smile on her face. “You guys are adorable.”

“Don’t tell him that. He thinks he’s still terrifying,” I joked.

“He’s a big teddy bear,” Waverly said. “They all are.”

These big, tough bikers who’d just gone to war with the cartel also comforted teenagers when they cried and sat with little girls who’d just lost their father.

They were a dichotomy, for sure, but no matter how sweet and tender Viper was with me, I’d never forget that he’d slept with a knife, that he’d been to prison, and that he had killed men in cold blood for his club.

“Speaking of teddy bears,” Brooklyn said. “Have you talked to Dylan?”

Waverly nodded. “I didn’t tell him about the lockdown, though.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“He’d lose his shit if I told him. He’s really protective of me.” She beamed.

“I guess you’re not upset about that,” I said in amusement.

“Not at all. I just think it’s better if I tell him when he gets home from Sicily. I didn’t want to fight over the phone.” Waverly walked over to trash and threw away her apple core. “I’m gonna grab Sailor and then we’re going to take off.”

“Keep me posted,” Brooklyn said.

“Will do.”

“Where is Sailor?” I asked.