Page 2 of Venom & Vengeance

“I know.” I gazed at her.

Her blue eyes were rimmed with liner and heavy mascara.

“You’re the only one I trust.”

“You really have no idea who this guy is?”

“No. He’s covered in a bunch of tattoos, but I—”

The heavy clomp of boots across linoleum had me snapping my mouth shut and shooting an angry glare at Carla. “You didn’t tell me you weren’t alone.”

Carla looked over her shoulder at the blond man who’d entered the kitchen. He was tall, muscular, and wore a leather cut. His blue gaze combed over me, and his jaw clenched.

I lifted my chin and refused to cower, even though I had just confessed to murder.

“Which trailer is yours?” he demanded.

I blinked and glanced at Carla, who nodded. “It’s okay. You can trust Savage.”

Trust a man named Savage? Yeah, right.

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

“Trailer,” he commanded without explaining. “Tell me which one it is.”

His tone didn’t allow for an argument. “The white one at the end of the cul-de-sac. The back door is unlocked.”

He nodded and pointed a finger at me. “Do not move from that spot. I’ll be back.” He glanced at Carla, and through a look I couldn’t quite discern, they seemed to have a silent conversation I wasn’t privy to.

Savage opened the door near the kitchen and left. As it shut behind him, Carla rushed to the door to lock it.

“Sorry I ruined your night,” I mumbled.

“Stop,” she said. She reached for a bottle of vodka on top of the fridge. She opened a cupboard and pulled out two glasses and poured a hefty amount of liquor into both. She handed me one of the cups.

I took it but didn’t drink.

“Who is he?” I asked.

“A biker.”

“Yeah. I figured that part out on my own. I didn’t know you’d taken up with bikers.”

“I haven’t taken up with anyone.”

“Are you dating him?”

She smiled slightly. “You don’t date Savage. You fuck Savage and then let him go off into the wild. You do not pen a wild stallion.”

Despite the situation I sniggered, and then threw back most of the vodka. It was cheap and it burned.

As we waited for Savage to return, we shared another drink. My hands were shaking.

The knob on the back door made a noise, causing me to jump.

“It’s just Savage,” Carla said, running to unlock the door and let him in.

The big biker stepped into the room. He looked at me and then at Carla. They had another one of those silent conversations, except this time their look made me nervous.