Page 181 of Venom & Vengeance

“Sorry,” I said, turning around to face him. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“It’s fine,” he gritted out. “What can I do for you?”

“Oh. I just wanted to tell you that Viper’s got the flu.”

Colt’s jaw tightened. “Wonderful. Just fucking wonderful.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I really—”

“It’s not your fault.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I never really got a chance to say congratulations, or welcome to the family.”

“It’s been busy.”

“We’ll celebrate. After.”


“I’d like that.”

I headed back into the clubhouse and traipsed up the stairs. I was quiet when I walked into the bedroom. Viper was already asleep. I quickly tidied up the room and then pulled the covers up past his shoulders.

How could such a big, tatted man look so vulnerable? His mouth was soft in sleep and all I wanted to do was take care of him.

I leaned over and brushed my lips across his warm forehead.

Viper didn’t even stir.

I ran into Rach as I was coming down the stairs. “Oh, no, are you sick too?” I asked her.

Her brown hair was lank and greasy, and she had bags under her eyes. “No. Cash is sick. And every time I put him down in his crib, he cries. The only way to keep him quiet is to hold him, so he’s been sleeping on my chest for the better part of the day. Doc’s with him now, giving me a reprieve.”

“Thank God for the village, right?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. The village. I kind of wish I’d stayed with my mom.”

“Does she know what’s going on?”

“Kind of. I mean, club stuff, yeah. She wasn’t that supportive when I said I was going to stay here for the duration.”

“She’s just worried about you,” I said as we moved into the kitchen. “You hungry?”

Rach nodded as she took a seat on the stool. “I need food and a hot shower, and then hopefully Cash will let me sleep.”

“Soup okay?”

“Soup sounds great.”

While I was heating up soup for Rach, Darcy wandered in.

“Soup?” I asked.

Without a word, she went to the cabinet, pulled out a bottle of Kahlúa and poured a splash into a cup.

“That was going to be my next offering,” I joked.

“How are the kids?” Rach asked.

“On the mend. Taking care of sick kids in your own home with your own kitchen is hard enough. But in a clubhouse where you can’t escape?”