Page 18 of Venom & Vengeance

“Viper, stay a minute,” Colt instructed.

I stood up and headed for the door. At the last moment, I looked behind me. Both Colt and Viper were watching me, but it was Viper’s gaze that caught my attention.

I quickly averted my eyes and left the office. In my haste to get away, I’d forgotten my coffee, but I wasn’t going to go back for it. Instead, I went in the direction of the kitchen.

Savage was at the coffee maker, pressing a button. The machine gurgled to life.

“Morning,” I greeted.

He turned. “Morning. You sleep okay? Dumb question maybe.”

“Not dumb,” I assured him. “I slept hard, actually. I don’t know if I got a chance to say it last night, but thanks. For what you did.”

“Sorry about your home.”

I shrugged. “I have my life. That’s worth more.”

“Still shitty.”

“Yeah. Definitely still shitty. Looks like I’m bunking here for the time being.”

“It’s not all bad,” he teased. “We have great parties. There’s always food in the fridge, and we have a cleaning crew twice a week.”

“It’s like a biker hotel,” I quipped.

“Viper treating you all right?”

I blinked. “Yeah. Why?”

He shrugged. “He’s a little rough around the edges.”

“A little?” I joked. “Luckily, for me, I’m not a wilting rose. I can handle him.”

“That, I’ve got to see,” Savage said. “He’s one surly fucker.”

Was Viper surly, intense, and a bit growly? Yes, but he also knew how I took my coffee, which meant he’d paid attention last night even though we’d only had a few minutes together. And the way he’d placed his hand on my shoulder in a silent show of support…

“Damn it,” I muttered.

“What was that?” Savage asked.

“Oh. Nothing. Can I get a cup of that coffee?”


I sat on the couch,sipping a cup of coffee as I passed the time with Savage. Viper and Colt were still locked away in the office.

“I can see why Carla likes you,” I said with a smile.

He flashed a grin. “Yeah, she likes me all right.”

“Do not make a dick joke,” I pleaded.

“It would’ve been too easy.”

“I was going to say she likes you because of your sense of humor,” I said.

“Don’t let my lighthearted side fool you. My name is Savage for a reason.”