Page 174 of Venom & Vengeance

“Not now,” he said. “And not while we’re in the clubhouse.”

“Why don’t you want to do it in the clubhouse?” I asked.

“Everyone’ll hear.”

“But no one heard what we just did? I’m confused.”

“Some things I want private between us.”

“Well, as long as we’re here, there is no real privacy.”

“We’d have some privacy if we lived together.”

“We do live together,” I pointed out.

“I mean, you and me, in an apartment or a little house. Something with a bit more space. Something for just the two of us.”

My gaze narrowed. “Are you talking about making a plan to officially live together?”

“Yeah. When all this shit is done, we’re going to need a place. Right?”


“Your trailer burned to the ground. So you need a place.”

“So this is about me needing a home?” I frowned. “What about you?”

“We can’t live here indefinitely,” he said. “You see how strapped everyone is for space.”

“They’re expanding the clubhouse.”

“There’s no privacy.”

“The new build will offer more privacy.”

“For fucks’s sake, Sutton. I want to fuck your ass and I’d like to do it where my brothers can’t hear.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t bellow your words,” I snapped. “The walls are thin.”

“Yeah, they are!” Raze called from the other side of the wall.

I sat up and grabbed a pillow and smacked Viper in the face with it. “Great, now everyone’s going to know about our sex life.”

“You’re an Old Lady. Don’t you women talk about this stuff?”

“Yes,” I said. “They have talked about some stuff, but I never say anything about you.”

“So they don’t know how big my dick is? Or that I made you come four times yesterday?”

“Seriously, guys, lower your voices,” Raze called. “Some of us aren’t getting any and I don’t need a live-action porn event in the next room.”

“Shut up, Raze!” I yelled. I glared at Viper. “You happy?”

“Not really, no. So, we living together or what?”

The idea did hold a sort of appeal. More privacy, more space, more time to figure out a rhythm with Viper. Unlimited hot water.

With everyone staying at the clubhouse, we had to shower on rotation.