Page 170 of Venom & Vengeance

“Is that biker talk foryou can stay?”

He cracked a smile.

I pulled out a stool from underneath the counter and sat down. “What are you making?”

“Fried green tomatoes.”

“No kidding? Where’d you learn how to cook?”

“My mother owns a restaurant in New Orleans.”

“Handy skill to have. Cooking.”

“You cook?”

“Not well,” I admitted. “I’m good at ordering takeout.”

He chuckled.

“So, working in the family business didn’t appeal to you, huh?” I queried.

“I was a sous chef for a few summers,” he said. “Learned what I needed to know. But I’m restless. I wanted something different.”

“So you joined a motorcycle club?”

“What can I say, I’m an adrenaline junkie.” He set the knife aside. “You want to help?”

“Sure,” I said, hopping up from the stool. I washed my hands at the sink and then dried them with a clean dishrag.

Crow showed me the steps for dunking the green tomato slices before setting them into a sizzling hot pan. “I usually do these in bacon grease, but it wasn’t on hand. Oil works,” he explained. “Flip them. Ah, see, nice and golden brown. You’re a natural.”

I heard the back door open and then close and the heavy clomp of boots across the wooden floor.

“What’s going on in here?” Viper asked.

“Crow’s teaching me how to make fried green tomatoes,” I said, shooting him a smile over my shoulder.

“Smells good,” Viper said.

“Tomorrow I’ll teach you how to make pulled pork so tender you can pick it apart with a fork. If you want, I mean.” He glanced at Viper and then at me.

“Someone’s gotta teach me how to cook,” I quipped.

Crow and Viper stared at each other for a moment and then Viper nodded. “Sounds like a good way to pass the time while we’re stuck here, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Crow said. “Make a list, Sutton.”


“Make a list of dishes you want to learn how to cook. We’ll learn one a day until you have enough in your arsenal.”

“Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate it.”

I left the kitchen with Viper, who followed me up the stairs.

“Keeping tabs on me?” I asked.
