Page 161 of Venom & Vengeance

“For how long?” Darcy inquired.

“I don’t know yet,” Colt stated. “What I need from you all right now is patience while I sort this out. We always knew it was going to get ugly, and now it’s clear the cartel has escalated things. What they did to Mia was a declaration of war.”

“Should we go to the cabins?” Allison asked.

Colt shook his head. “Can’t spare the men to guard you. Everyone stays here. The permits are finally in the system. We’ll start construction on the clubhouse expansion immediately. It’s going to be tight. It’s going to be uncomfortable, but this is the way it has to be. We’re going to rotate you each home in small groups. You’ll pack what you need for your families and then return immediately. I don’t want you on the streets alone. I don’t want you sitting ducks.”

“What about me?” Rach asked as she moved her son to her other shoulder. “Me and Cash, I mean.”

“You’re family,” Colt said immediately. “You’ll stay here.”

Rach nodded.

“It’s going to take a lot of cooperation, a lot of moving parts. We’ve added several brothers to the club. And a new Old Lady, too.” Colt looked directly at me and inclined his head.

“Sutton will move into my room,” Viper announced. “That frees up a spare room.”

“Good. Rach and Cash will take Sutton’s room,” Colt said. “The rest of you, figure it out. Order beds if you have to or throw mattresses on the ground, I don’t care. Just make your plans and make them fast.”

Everyone began to dissipate. Couples spoke to each other in low tones as they headed for the clubhouse. Viper and I followed.

It was mayhem as everyone began preparing for the impending lockdown.

I headed up the stairs to my room and quickly shoved my dirty clothes into my duffel. I cleaned out the bathroom and stripped the bed. And then I grabbed my pistol from the nightstand.

“I need to do laundry,” I said.

“You should do it before everyone else gets the same idea.”

We headed to Viper’s bedroom. I dropped my toiletries in his bathroom, setting my toothbrush next to his. I put my shampoo and soap in the shower.

We were co-mingling hard and fast.

I went back into his room and found him sorting through his clothes.

“I don’t want you to freak out,” I said. “But our toothbrushes are looking very cozy next to each other.”

“That’s not all that’s getting cozy.” He tossed a pair of underwear into a laundry bag. “Let’s do a load.”

“Big step, Viper,” I teased. “Our intimates are getting intimate.”

“Speaking of intimate. You’re going to hear people having sex in the clubhouse.”

“Noted. We’re all going to be stepping on each other’s toes.” I sighed. “This is going to be intense, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It will be.”

I dumped my dirty clothes into the laundry bag and was about to pick it up when Viper said, “Let me get that for you.”

We traipsed down into the theater room. The kids were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. I wondered how they’d handle staying at the clubhouse. I doubted it was their first time.

The black and white mutt jumped off Silas’s lap and came to investigate. I crouched down to give him a hearty scratch and he flopped onto his back and showed me his belly.

“Good boy,” I whispered.

Viper was at the washing machine, dumping all our laundry into the drum.

“Uh, no,” I said, going to him and pushing against his hip to move him out of the way.