Page 152 of Venom & Vengeance

“Viper,” I whispered, my mouth searching for his.

I found him in the dark, our tongues meeting. I ground against him, wanting him inside me with nothing between us.

I pulled away but only so I could lift myself up and guide him into my welcoming body.

“You sure you want to risk it?” he asked.

I moved ever so slightly, loving the hard feel of him inside me with nothing between us. “I’ll risk it. If you will.”

He cupped the back of my neck and dragged me down for another kiss. I rode him slowly, taking him deep.

And when I came, it was soft, like an afternoon nap in a patch of warm sun. It was no less meaningful, but it was so different compared to the volatility of earlier.

I collapsed on top of him in a sweaty heap, my breath covering his skin.

“Whenever you’re ready,” he murmured, his fingers plowing through my hair.

“Oh, should I get off you?”

I made a move, but his arms tightened around me, keeping me tethered to him.

“No. I meant, whenever you’re ready to have kids. It’s all up to you, Sutton.”

“What if it’s five years from now?”

“Then it’s five years from now.”

“What if it’s ten? You’ll be forty-six.”

“The kids’ll keep me young.”

I bit my lip and then asked the question I’d been dreading the answer to. “What if I’m never ready?”

“Then it’ll just be you and me, and that’ll be more than enough.”

* * *

Shouting woke me from a dead sleep. I rolled over and placed my hand on Viper’s side of the bed and cracked an eye open.

He was standing up, already pulling on a pair of jeans.

“What’s going on?” I asked sluggishly.

“No idea. Going to find out.” He grabbed a clean T-shirt from his drawer.

“I’m coming, too,” I said.

My legs were tangled up in the covers and I nearly fell to the floor. Viper tossed me my tank top and I quickly put on my jeans and padded behind him, barefoot.

“Zip, get the fuck out of my way!” The burly biker president tried to move past his VP, but Zip blocked his path. Boxer and Gray stood behind Colt.

It was like they were flanking a feral animal.

“No,” Zip said. “You’re drunk and you’re liable to get yourself killed.”

“Fuck you!” He swung out, missing Zip by a good foot.

“Prez,” Gray said softly. “Easy, man. Now is not the time for this.”