Page 151 of Venom & Vengeance

“You ever been married?” I asked.


“Had an Old Lady before me?”

“Splitting hairs, isn’t it?”

“You could’ve had an Old Lady but never married her,” I pointed out.

“No. No Old Lady.”


He chuckled. “No.”

“Why are you laughing? That’s a valid question. I know you’ve fucked a lot of women before you went to prison. It’s a possibility.”

“I’ve always been careful. Besides, don’tyouthink I would’ve told you if I had a kid? I wouldn’t have hidden that from you.”

“Well, when you put it that way.” I sifted my fingers through his chest hair. “Viper?”


“I know you said you’d take care of me and a baby if there was one, but…”


“But do you actually want kids?”

“I thought we already discussed this.”

“No. We kind of danced around it when you told me to live in the present and not think so much about the future. That didn’t last long, by the way.”

“I was trying to get you not to panic.”

“Panic? Who’s panicked?”

“You’re twenty-two.”

“Back to that, are you?”

“I just really wanted to make sure you were ready for all this shit.”

“All this shit. You mean life?”


“Won’t know until I try, right?” I swung my leg over his body and slid on top of him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“What was your question?”

“Kids, Viper. Do you want kids?”

“Yeah. With the right woman.”

I poked him in his ribs. “AmIthe right woman?”

His hands slid down my back, over my butt, to spread my thighs. “Wouldn’t have asked you to be my Old Lady if I didn’t know you were the right woman.”