Page 140 of Venom & Vengeance

Not even when I saw Viper make a phone call. Not even as we tried to get Mia’s arm to stop bleeding. Not even minutes later when I heard the sirens.

Several police cars and two ambulances arrived. Two brawny men placed white sheets over South Paw and the gunman’s corpses. Cops moved around the bar like a swarm of angry wasps, taping off the carnage and clearing a way for the detectives to photograph the scene.

Vance Raider, the club’s attorney, was a well-built, attractive man in his late thirties. He strode with confidence, his perfectly tailored black suit screaming authority. He had his cell phone in hand.

“Vance,” Mia greeted, her tone relieved.

“Mia.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Colt is five minutes behind me, and he’s not happy.”

“I’m sure that’s the understatement of the century,” she said with a wobbly smile as she continued to press the rag to her arm.

“Mr. Maxwell,” a detective said, addressing Viper. “Are you ready to give your statement?”

“My attorney just arrived,” Viper said. “I’ll give you my statement so long as he’s present.”

Vance dropped his arm from around Mia’s shoulder, and the detective, Viper, and Vance headed to one of the booths. Vance whispered something in Viper’s ear and then the conversation commenced.

Nerves I hadn’t allowed myself to feel finally jumped from my stomach into my throat.

“Don’t worry about Viper,” Mia said, patting my arm. “Vance is a seasoned warrior at what he does. And we’ve got cameras in the bar. It’ll show what happened.”

I let out a breath. “Was I that obvious?”


The front doors to the bar burst open. Colt Weston looked like a man hell-bent on violence. His eyes searched the room, landed on his wife, and he immediately stalked toward her.

“I’m okay,” she said before he could say anything.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” he growled. He grasped her face in his hands, his gaze taking in every part of her. He looked at her arm.

“It’s just a cut. Bleeding has stopped. It looks worse than it is.”

He lowered his lips to hers. When he was done kissing her, his eyes were somber. “Just one more rotten thing we’ve got to deal with.Motherfucker.”

“Hey.” She swallowed and reached a hand up to touch his cheek. “We’ll get through this like we’ve gotten through everything else before.”

He nodded. “Sutton? You injured?”

I shook my head and bit my tongue, not wanting to speak of things around a bunch of cops. I wanted to tell him the gunman had shot South Paw, but then turned his gun on Mia and me. I wanted to divulge I thought Mia was the target all along, and that South Paw had just gotten in the way. I wanted to say so many things.

“Good,” he said with a sigh.

Viper, the detective, and Vance all got up from the table and came back to us.

“Mrs. Weston,” the detective said. “I’ll take your statement now. And I’ll need the security footage to corroborate Mr. Maxwell’s statement.”

“Of course,” Mia said. “Whatever I can do to help.”

Vance, the detective, and Mia moved to the table this time, and I was left with Colt and Viper.

“Prez,” Viper greeted.

“Viper.” Colt reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

Viper nodded and then glanced at me. “This is just a formality with the cops. Nothing’s gonna come of this. You know that, right?”

“Idon’tknow that,” I said quietly. “But Mia said I didn’t need to worry.”