Page 137 of Venom & Vengeance

“Okay, seriously,” Mia said as she threw a wet bar rag into the orange bucket in the corner near the cash register. “You’re like,beaming. You get that, right?”

“I’m trying not to, but I feel like I slept with a coat hanger in my mouth.” I touched my cheeks.

Mia chuckled. “Things are good with Viper?”

I glanced at the man who was sitting at his usual stool. His gaze was intense as it raked over me.

“Forget I asked,” she said. “Of course, they are. You’ve enteredthe phase.”

I somehow forced myself to look away from him to peer back at Mia, but I swore I could feel Viper’s eyes on my ass, burning a hole through my jeans. “What phase?”

“The phase where you’re suddenly in sync. In between the hot sex, there’s the talking, and then more hot sex. You know each other’s bodies and it’s like a bubble forms around you.”

“God, that’sexactlyhow it feels,” I admitted. Each conversation in private with Viper felt richer, deeper. More meaningful somehow.

“Hmm. It’s a great phase,” Mia said with a knowing smile.

“You don’t think this is happening a little fast?” I asked with concern. “Like, am I being a total idiot?”

“I’m the wrong girl to ask. Colt and I were, like, instantly together. And it was perfect. Everyone’s different. Don’t judge what feels right by what you think society is screaming at you to do. A lot of people will tell you to take it slow, get to know each other. That kind of thing. Do what’s right for you.”

“Good advice,” I admitted, looking at Viper again. “Very good advice.”

“Can’t claim it as my own. Joni gave me the same pep talk when I was terrified I was falling in love with Colt.” She grinned.

A few more customers came up to the bar and sat at the end near the restrooms, and Mia and I poured them pints before they headed off to the pool tables.

“Do you think I’m too young for him?” I asked.

“Doyouthink you’re too young?”

I crossed my arms over my chest.

“It’s called the Socratic method. Answer a question with a question to get you to dig a little deeper,” she said.

“Socratic method, huh?”

“Just one of the few things I learned in college.”

“You went to college?” I asked.

“Yup. Thought I was going to be an accountant.”

“I can’t picture you as an accountant.”

“I’m much more cut out for owning a bar. Oh, which reminds me—are you good to start some extra day shifts this week? Get the lay of the land so far as being a manager goes?”

“Oh, let me check my wide-open schedule. Sorry, I’m busy playing a video game tournament and can’t make it,” I teased. “The more you want me here, the better. I’m going nuts in the clubhouse.”

“Not very conducive for a private sex nest, huh?”

A startled laugh escaped me. “That sounds raunchy.”

“If the boat’s a rockin’,” she quipped.


The door opened and South Paw sauntered inside. He walked to the end of the bar on the far side, away from the bathrooms, and sat next to Viper.