Page 126 of Venom & Vengeance

“Mind if I join you guys?” I asked.

“Sit,” Waverly said.

I plopped down next to her. “No boyfriend today?”

“He left for Sicily a few days ago with his uncle,” she said with a frown. “He’ll be gone six weeks.”

“The time will fly,” Sailor said. “The furniture business is on fire, so we have that to occupy us.”

“And if you’re not with Dylan, that means you get to babysit me!” Lily said.

Waverly tugged on one of Lily’s ringlets. “That’s true.”

One of the boys kicked the ball in our direction and it flew by our heads. “Cam!” Lily screamed. “That wasn’t nice!”

She jumped up off the ground and ran to the boy who’d kicked the ball at us. Lily tackled him with all her force, and he went down. She was on top of him, open-handedly smacking him as he laughed.

“Lily, cut it out,” Cam begged.

“Just because you’re my brother, doesn’t mean you have to be mean,” she yelled, continuing her assault.

Bikers ran over to the kids, and Boxer easily lifted Lily off Cam. “Come on, Lily Burger. Let’s get you something to eat. I think your blood sugar’s low.”

“You,” Gray stated, pointing the tongs at his son. “Get over here, now.”

“Told you not to do it,” the other boy said, jogging toward the errant ball.

“Shut up, Silas,” Cam growled.

When Cam was within arm’s distance of his father, Gray grabbed his son’s T-shirt collar and hauled him off.

“Dude, you can’t leave the burgers!” Savage called as he ran after Gray and took the tongs from him.

I got up off the ground and went to Viper. “Are all your parties like this? Full of drama and action?”

“Pretty much.” His mouth flickered with humor. “I had five bucks on Lily.”

“You would’ve won, too, if I hadn’t pulled her off Cam,” Boxer said with Lily on his back. He looked over his shoulder at her and said, “What’s gotten into you lately?”

“I dunno,” she said. “I’m feisty.”

“And going into rooms you haven’t been given permission to go into,” Viper said to her. His tone was lighter than I’d ever heard it, and I wondered if he realized he was trying not to frighten the little girl.

“Not okay, Lily Burger,” Boxer chastised. “You know you’re my favorite person, but you gotta respect boundaries.”

Darcy approached us and said, “Boxer, can you put my daughter down, please?”

“Uh-oh,” Lily muttered. “I’m in trouble.”

“Probably.” Boxer set her on the ground.

Darcy took her daughter by the hand and marched toward the clubhouse.

“Watching kids fight gives me an appetite,” I joked. “Savage? Are those ready yet?”

“How about you bring me a few plates before I torch them accidentally?” he called back.

“We can’t have scorched burgers,” I said to Viper. “I’ll go help him.”