Page 104 of Venom & Vengeance

I gently took his hand again and examined it. Then I took the other and did the same. “We should ice them.”

He paused for a moment and then said, “Good idea.”

We walked into the clubhouse, and I moved around the kitchen, finding plastic bags and dumping ice into them.

“Your room? Or the couch?” I asked.

“My room.”

I headed up the stairs, holding the bags of ice. When we got inside, Viper flipped on the light and then took a seat on the bed. I closed the door behind me and joined him.

“Is that okay?” I asked, placing the ice bags on his knuckles. “Want me to get a towel so it doesn’t hurt your skin too bad?”

“It’s fine.”

I knelt down and reached for his boot.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

I looked up at him in confusion. “Taking care of you. I was going to take off your boots so you could get comfortable.”

“I’m a biker. Comfort is the least of my concerns.”

I raised my brows. “I’d love nothing more thanto take care of you, but logistically, how would we make that happen?”

“Unzip and suck.”

“Wow,” I muttered. “Fuckingwow.”

“You asked.”

“Well, you’re an asshole.” I glared at him. “Sex isn’t the only way I can take care of you.”

“I don’t need you to take care me any other way.”

My mouth thinned. “So, unless I use one of my holes, you’re not interested in any kind of comfort?”

“I don’t need comfort. I need sex.”

“Well, I’m not in the fucking mood, asshole. Whose face did you use to bust your knuckles, anyway?”

“None of your business.”

“I see.” I nodded. “Got it. I’m just a piece of ass with a mouth—and said mouth is only good for one thing—sucking your dick.”

I took off his ice packs and flung them across the room. I was suddenly so angry my vision went hazy and red. I didn’t know why I was so pissed.

Viper was a biker.

His job was violence.

His relief was sex.

The Old Ladies were wrong. Viper didn’t want to keep me. I was nothing more than a convenient fuck toy for whenever he needed to get off.

“Am I a whore?” I asked quietly. “Do you think I’m just some whore who will get on her knees because you told her to? If you think that, then maybe you should be fucking one of those girls who comes to one of your parties looking for a good time.”

“You can’t be pissed at me for this,” he growled. “We’re just sex, Sutton. We both agreed to that. Why should it matter if I come to you wanting sex after a fight versus wanting sex just because? I never called you a whore. You called yourself that.”