Page 100 of Venom & Vengeance

“Wait,” Darcy said. “Have we officially decided to have the barbecue?”

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Mia voiced. “Then we canreallyoverwhelm Sutton when all of us are there.”

“And the kids too,” Darcy said with a laugh. She dumped out the ice of her to-go cup and filled it with tap water.

A barbecue with families was a very different thing than a party where all the single brothers were trying to get their stingrays wet.

“Welcome to the club, honey.” Darcy walked over to me and gave me a hug.

“I’m not in the club,” I protested.

She rolled her eyes. “If you say so.”

“Do yourself a favor and admit it,” Brooklyn said, struggling to rise. Willa quickly hopped off the arm of the couch and offered her a hand. “You can pretend all you want that you and Viper are not anything to write home about. But we’ve heard how he’s been with you.”

“I’ve seen it with my own two eyes,” Mia interjected with a wink. “The man is smitten.”

“You’re crazy. Viper is notsmitten.”

“Hmm. I’m with Mia on this,” Willa added. “He hardly speaks to anyone. But with you…everyone sees it.”

“That’s because I talk incessantly. Hehasto engage in conversation with me or it’s weird,” I quipped.

“You can protest all you want,” Brooklyn said. “But we are all very aware of your influence on him.”

“Influence,” I repeated.

“The night you worked at Shelly’s, he was clocking you. Like helivedfor the moments that you’d look at him and shoot him a glance or a smile,” Mia said.

“Oh my God, you have to stop,” Brooklyn said. “I’m going all gooey.”

“Let’s get out of here then, before you melt.” Joni stood up.

“Viper and I are finite,” I said. I didn’t like the immediate remorse I felt when I said it, but it was the truth. “We’re just having a fun time before we head our separate ways.”

“Who’s going to tell her?” Allison asked with amusement. Her son began to fuss, and she bounced him up and down in an attempt to soothe him.

“Tell me what?”

“Tell you that when one of our men decides he’s foundthe one, it’s full steam ahead,” Joni said.

“You’re wrong. We don’t mean anything to one another.”

“So you’d be okay if he started flirting with another woman at a clubhouse party?” Darcy asked. “And not the family barbecue. I mean the ones where the guys are single and looking to get rowdy.”

“He won’t flirt with anyone because we have a deal,” I said.

“What deal is that?” Allison inquired.

“Neither of us will be with anyone else while we’re together,” I explained.

“That’s called exclusivity,” Darcy said.

“Yeah, I know that.” I rolled my eyes.

“Was it his idea or yours?” Mia asked.

I frowned. “I don’t remember.”