They all rose now, their bodies steaming magnificently in the cool night air. It was an air that was fragrant with pines and summer blossoms. I filled my lungs with it greedily, even as my eyes wandered the three god-like specimens of male perfection that were somehow, for now at least, my loving boyfriends.

“Two days, huh?”

Still dripping, they turned to face me. Each of their expressions was a little different, but they shared the same unquenchable lust in their glimmering eyes.

“That’s a lot of time to kill, don’t you boys think?”

I stood and pulled my shirt over my head, letting my bare breasts spill free. Three pairs of eyes dropped to them. Their collective gaze, helped along by the cool forest breeze, stiffened my areolae almost instantly.

“So…” Joshua ventured with a smile. “I’m guessing you have a few ideas for how we could—”

“Demolish me.”

I interjected the words loudly, definitively. It was more of a command than a suggestion.

“I’m serious,” I went on. “I need it. I needyou. All of you together. It’s been too long.”

I stepped in their direction, knowing they’d close in around me. Their glistening bodies had been in the tub more than half an hour. As a result, they gave off an incredible heat.

“I mean,” I told them. “I want you all at once. I need you boysinsideme. I need you to hold me, fuck me, fill me…”

My sweat-shorts were loose. I hooked my thumb and dropped them to my ankles, biting my lip as the cool air hit my warm thighs.

“I’d say take me inside and make me yours,” I murmured. “But I’malreadyyours. I have been for a while.”

I tried to swallow and found that I couldn’t. There was just too big of a lump in my throat.

“I want it rough. I want itdeep. I want it all — everything you’ve got — with nothing held back.”

Their hands moved to my body. They couldn’t help themselves any longer.

“So keep that in mind when you’re pounding me relentlessly,” I finished, “and I’m gasping each of your names. Remember how much I really fucking need this, and make sure you just… don’t… stop.”

I delivered a hot, open-mouthed kiss on each of those last three words. First to Evan, then to Joshua, and finally to Cole.

My palm went up; to cup the side of Cole’s hard, chiseled jaw. Eye to eye, nose to nose, our gazes locked. His eyes gleamed like a panther’s in the flickering torchlight.

“But above everything else, I need youfirst,” I whispered.



The logistics of the cabin weren’t optimal, that was for sure. The place itself was a hunting and fishing cabin, and therefore utilitarian. A table and chairs dominated half the living area, and there was no bedroom. The walls were lined with four individual bunks that were way too small to fuck on, and a beat up couch that wouldn’t work either. Not for what we had in mind, anyway.

Besides, I had a feeling we’d fuck that couch to splinters.

At the moment I was resting happily in Cole’s arms, finally having been scooped up from the side deck and carried inside. My panties — what little there were of them — were soaked through from all the kissing, touching, and groping, which had gone on for several more breathtaking minutes.

But right now, I needed to getfucked.

“Hang on.”

Evan and Joshua went to work stripping the bunks and creating a four-mattress rectangle on the floor. They covered this with blankets, added some pillows, and the next thing I knew I was being pulled down and into them. Two big hands manipulated me until I was sitting on Cole’s face, his tongue diving so deep inside me I was squirming and howling within seconds. One big arm clenched me forward against his hard, shredded body, locking me into a hot sixty-nine with the bearded giant.
